“War. Defeat is not an option.” (Celia Farber)
Catherine Austin Fitts on the RFK hearing today. Not just chemical poisoning (experimental vaccines, drugs, hormones. SSRIs, junk food, puberty blockers), but ideological brainwashing.
This is a HOLY War.
Good vs Evil.
Ironically, while RFK was attacked today, like a desert carcass, I personally had one of the worst experiences that I have ever had in my life with the Mkultra Woke mob today. I won’t go into the details of the situation, but it was really quite astonishing. These people are trained sociopaths bred for manipulation. Trained victims and abusers. Cry bullies. The fact that I experienced this in 2025, is what makes it most horrifying. Is this ever going to change? Is the programming going to failI and finally break down for sanity and decency to remerge? I felt utterly alone in the fight today. I can’t stand these people anymore. I don’t feel sorry for them. I don’t want to give them the benefit of the doubt anymore, or ignore them, or wait for them to get it or change or apologize. I just want them to go away. I just see them for exactly who they are and what they have been indoctrinated to do to the rest of us. And to the world. Maybe it wasn’t their fault initially, but it is their fault now. They have all the information they need. We all do. It’s a very airtight system/program/operation. They are handsomely rewarded by the entire culture. And someone like me just makes it/them fucking GLITCH like crazy. Just my very presence. Just my very being. NYC has become a horror show of these people. They’re all here now, occupying every single field, social sphere, cultural institution, and job market just to torture the rest of, who are still sane and real and human and talented, and just trying to get through this madness with our mind and integrity in check. I don’t even know where I am anymore. I felt like I was in kindergarten today, when all the kids used to gang up on me altogether (something the WokeLeft loves to do to people who stand up to them but can’t handle it for one second when it happens to them. The guy, along with a group of others, bullying me today actually started crying and trembling when I retaliated verbally, and then of course told me he “doesn’t identify as a man.” No, of course not. He just acts and looks like one. I knew he was going to say that even before he said it. Which shows how predictable this script—these people—is. Everything is a mind game), and I would hold back the tears. And wait to go home. At least I had a—loving—good home. I don’t cry anymore. I just fight back. I have always fought back. But this time I wasn’t afraid to tell everybody exactly what I thought of them and their bullying manipulative gaslighting fucking incompetent bullshit. At least I’ll go down standing up for myself and others. Fighting back. There’s nothing the Left hates more than a person who fights back or thinks for themselves and stands against the Group. But it really makes me question if there is a way out of this mess, and what happens to people like me who are desperately trying to find a way out of it, refusing to buckle. The Left’s combination (enabling) of internal weakness and social and cultural viciousness is a mindfuck. But if you dare call their bluff, they crumble and call their Mommy or boss on you, or get you cancelled or fired, or whatever else. It’s their playbook, and until now they've had the law and all the cultural institutions on their side. It’s all about Collectivism, the protection of the State, and hiding behind the political Mommy and Daddy apparatus. That’s all they’ve got. They have no identity beyond that. The term “failing upward” comes to mind here. Which is to say, they are successful losers with fake power. They don’t have spirit or real humanity. And as we saw today with the RFK Jr. hearing, you have to be made of steel for this spiritual war. So do not back down. You have nothing if you do.