Useful quotes, terms, and links:
“The world is a giant theater right now.” (News Treason Media)
“Who’s really who they say they are in this world—in this movie? Nobody.” (Adrienne Elise)
"For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out in the open." (Mark 4:22)
“The lies are also an electrical phenomenon that contributes to the disembodied experience. Being lied to always about everything and all the time means that you have to not be there.” (Agent Roger)
“Once you’re in a bubble, the bubble of whatever club or secret society you’re in, you don’t never come out.” (Roseanne Barr)
“That millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make these people sane.” (Erich Fromm, The Sane Society)
“The acting goes deeper than we can imagine.” (Rumble comment)
“The ego is the character you play.” (Soul Connect)
“Sunshine patriot.” (Thomas Paine)
“[The Left] are the same people who were highly critical of the Iraq War in 2003, were fastidious about organic food and ‘wellness’ instead of Big Pharma health ‘solutions,’ and who regarded free speech as a core liberal value. What happened to them? What can account for their abandonment of their previous worldview?…I would propose that the wellness-type values and free speech were not anything they were especially committed to. The test of whether you love free speech is advocating for the expression of a view you may despise. As for wellness, this is just one trend after the next. Maybe these were the same people certain vitamin C would cure everything. Or was it vitamin D? Maybe it was Coenzyme Q10. This is all the same magical thinking that leads to the belief in vaccines. It is still a drug-based model. For that matter, so is ‘health food,’ because the presumption is that the substance makes the difference and not a whole-life approach, or state of mind. Are you aware of the field of moral psychology, which has determined (approximately) that the political concept ‘conservative’ translates to ‘disgusted person.’ So the measure of conservatism is one's disgust (which translates into biological matter, body fluids, etc.). So all someone has to do is get people disgusted and they morph into conservative.” (Eric F. Coppolino)
“The Injection of Botox to reduce facial lines and wrinkles has long been assumed to be purely cosmetic in nature. Hollywood’s rush to it has normalized the procedure and even given it an air of frivolity. Ongoing research, however, has revealed an unintentional and rather alarming consequence: Botox injections in the forehead and face rearrange the brain’s sensory map of the hands. What's concerning is that clients typically come back for regular injections, because the limited paralysis the toxin induces lasts only two to three months. The ongoing question is whether repeated treatments over a period of years result in permanent changes to one’s brain.” (Psychology Today)
“All celebrity biographies are propaganda.” (Real Nosey Parker)
“Fame is a curse, I used to dream about it, but in reality, now that I'm older, it appears that it's a living nightmare.” (YouTube comment)
Vile narcissist. Toxic/Distorted Feminine. (Note: The way she poses, her complete vanity and self-absorption. That moment when she rudely hands her bag to her male bodyguard, man servant, or whatever he is, and snaps her fingers—chop chop—at him to open the car door for her, is so disgusting. These people then think they have the right to lecture everybody about their identity politics and “injustice” and who to vote for during elections. What a far cry from the shy awkward girl from the Twilight-movie years. I don’t even think this monster is her anymore. The look in her eyes is dead and demonic. All this shit is so dark and vapid. The guy doing the commentary mispronounces the word chic, and says chick. But you get the point.)
“Candace Owens out at Daily Wire over Israel criticism” (Glenn Greenwald)
“Top 10 headlines the media didn’t tell you this week.” (TaraBull)
“Ben Shapiro & The Daily Wire—the media organization he co-founded—have blatantly lied about Pizzagate for over seven years now.” (Liz Crokin)
“P Diddy is near the top of the pyramid in the Cabal-controlled CIA music/brainwashing machine.” (News Treason Media)
Epstein 2.0. (Note: I’ve been following the Diddy story for years. and have written a number of posts on my Daily—mostly Diddy’s trafficking and abuse of Justin Bieber—that I didn’t get around to uploading. I am so glad it’s all coming out now, despite how horrific it is. This was all hidden for so long, though many have written about it or heard the rumors about Diddy for decades.)
“Homeland Security Investigations said the searches [of P Diddy] were part of ‘an ongoing investigation.” (Mike King) (Note: Notice Haiti has been in the news for the past few weeks. And “Rachel Chandler” was a modeling scot for Balenciaga—remember that that child-porn Balanciaga ad two years ago that everyone ignored and laughed off, and Hollywood had no comment about?—and was tied to the Clintons and Epstein. This is all old—“conspiracy”—news that is finally dovetailing and coming out.)
Pedophile television network (On Nickelodeon docuseries and sexual abuse allegations)
“The Mickey Mouse Club was a child star factory that groomed numerous celebrity kids for the entertainment industry.” (Vigilante Citizen)
“Isn’t it funny how a 14 year old could recognize that red flag, but none of the other adults could?”
“GESARA isn’t just a policy change; it’s a complete overhaul of the global financial system. It’s about rectifying centuries of financial injustices and returning power to the people. The Deep State Cabal, which has controlled the world’s wealth and resources, is about to be dethroned. This is not a bailout or a handout; it’s justice…The IRS, a symbol of bureaucratic control and complexity, is on its way out, marking the end of an era of convoluted tax systems.” (Gazetteteller)
“Ain’t nobody look’n for love.” 5th Street and Avenue A., NYC. 2022
“Trust always that everything is going to happen—and that it is gong to be good. Your trust will make it so. Trust is not simply trust—it is a creative force.” (Osho)
“Whatever we believe we deserve is now ours.” (Solarah Speaks)
“Wounds are meant to be healed. We are not meant to spend our lives carrying around past issues and hurts…Wounds want to be healed and issues want to be released, but you have the last say. None of this can happen until you are ready and willing. You are meant to be free and clear of emotional burdens.” (VictoriaGoldLight)
“The heart is a much more accurate instrument for finding our way. The heart is way better at seeing than any of our senses. But we can’t know that until we trust it. Until we go into the heart and use it….The heart is an antenna for truth.” (Anne Tucker)
“Your heart has an electromagnetic field around it.” (Dr. Christian Northrup)
“Any eclipse is focused at the North Node or the South Node, the two Sun-Moon orbital crossing points that align with Earth to activate an Eclipse. This eclipsed Moon in Libra (on March 25, 2024) is near the South Node, or Dragon Tail, representing patterns from the past that need to be 'clipped', eclipsed, to allow us to move forward. This is not a time to dilly-dally, to hem and haw about what to do. Consider carefully, make a clear, intentional choice, and stick with it; being aware of habitual reactions that are holding you back from doing what you need to do. Making no decision is a decision in itself…Dormant potentials wake up now, turn on and change our mind. Light-directed frequency waves rewiring perceptions between head and heart, altaring our outlook on life. This is a collective process right now, heightened by Pluto in higher-minded Aquarius, so expect some mind-blowing ideas, information, news, and options to emerge.” (Kelley Hunter)
“How far we’ve gotten from the original dream and from the Truth.” (Adrienne Elise)
“Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when my act does not involve judgment and decision….Love isn't something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice….The main condition for the achievement of love is the overcoming of one's narcissism. The narcissistic orientation is one in which one experiences as real only that which exists within oneself, while the phenomena in the outside world have no reality in themselves, but are experienced only from the viewpoint of their being useful or dangerous to one. The opposite pole to narcissism is objectivity; it is the faculty to see other people and things as they are, objectively, and to be able to separate this objective picture from a picture which is formed by one's desires and fears.” (Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving)