Useful quotes, terms, and links:
“Anxiety is an intuition. A sense that something is not right. And women have a better instinct for this than men.” (Jordan Peterson)
“The lowest level of hell for Dante was filled with betrayers…Your problem is you’ve seen into the heart of darkness. How do you combat evil? With truth, with love, with beauty. You have to start to embody that.” (Jordan Peterson on child abuse as the ultimate betrayal)
“Hollywood blurs the line between what is appropriate between adults and children because you’re working with adults constantly.” (on the grooming and abuse of child actors)
“More shocking allegations against P Diddy.” (Megyn Kelly)
“This is not just about him…How vast the scope of these allegations get.” (*Note: If Diddy is capable of doing this openly in a hotel hallway, on camera, to his girlfriend, imagine what he is capable of doing behind closed doors to anonymous women and children. It is clear that Diddy is the Epstein of Hip Hop and was completely protected, utilized, and enabled by the intelligence agencies and government probably as a trafficker and FBI informant, as many believe. He would never have been making videos of all his trafficking, rapes, drugging, assaults, and crimes if he hadn’t been completely protected/hired, and if these videos weren’t part of a sex trafficking ring for even more powerful people. The Diddy disclosure is the take down of a lot of different high profile predators and industries. I can’t wait for this world to crash and burn and for all the people who have been telling people—me included—about this for years and called a conspiracy theorist to be vindicated.)
The Hollywood party that changed Justin Bieber
The Garden of Time (“Symbolism will be their downfall.” (On the Met Gala)
“All the files that are out there still haven’t been released.” Why? (Aaron Rogers on Jeffery Epstein)
“The false matrix was designed to get us stuck, while serving us illusions of moving forward. This is exactly why its architects wanted us subscribing to formulas, programs, and dogmas. They knew very well that if we stubbornly choose to cling to anything but our own truth and Source, this blocks our path to exploring, moving forward, and advancing our souls.” (Solarah)
“If you cannot be bought, you are truly free.” (YT comment)
“Trump is expanding his reach now to independents, Never Trumpers, and even some Democrats. His speeches lately reflect that. People who watch Trump’s rallies know what kind of person he really is versus the image the press projects. The debate is a great way to do a public reset. Trump should remember his fans are watching. He is loved by millions. As long as that version of Trump shines through, he should do very well.” (Sasha Stone)
“You ask a good question. Not to worry about Trump going to prison. The whole point of the trials, 94 indictments all coming on suddenly, unfair prosecutors, lawyers and judges, etc. All the trials started at the same time, and are ending /disntegrating at the same time. Notice that whatever 'crime' Pres. was accused of, the prosecutor/judge/lawyer is accused of having committed the same: e.g.
1) Jack Smith in Florida is accusing President Trump of tampering with confidential files, now he is being accused of tampering with the same files, and is under investigation.
2) Laticia James in New York accusing President Trump of overvaluing his property values, she is now being investigated for doing the same to a big property in New York City for her own gain.
3) Fanni Willis in Fulton County accusing President Trump of election interference is now being investigated. They found 140,000+ uncounted ballots from the 2020 election, which could swing the election in Trump's favour.
4) Judge Merchan in New York acusing Trump of paying money to Stormy Daniels, is now being investigated for breaking the law because he discussed the trial with an outside attorney who hates Trump. His name is Bailey.” (On the fake Trump trials)
“Do you see that all these coincidences cannot exist in a real life situation? All created, orchestrated, timed to begin and end on queue. The point of the trials is for the public to see how bad the cabal is. They are letting the cabal do what they do, but at the same time they are exposing them. So the Trump team is in control. In the end, it will work out in President Trump's favour.” (HelicopterLady)
Ashley Biden confirms it was her diary. “This diary gets zero coverage.” (Megyn Kelly)
“Why is our number one ally this little state that’s the size of NJ?” (News Treason Media on the state of Israel)
“If science isn’t questioned, it’s propaganda.” (Aaron Rodgers) (*Note: Tucker and NFL’s Aaron Rodgers do a major exposure on Covid and the jabs. The interview is 2+ hrs long. Side note: I like Tucker’s decor. It has soul. Lots of books too that look read. No one has books in their houses anymore. Anyone who refused to take the Covid jab and stood up to the mandates is a hero to me. Full stop. Woodstock, where my parents live, is still full of sleepers wearing masks, both indoors and outdoors. Young people too. It’s mind boggling. It still amazes me how tolerant and kind the “anti-vaxxers” and truthers are compared to how hysterical and intolerant the pro-vax, pro-establishment Left is and has been throughout on everything. It’s also amazing how old-Left people like Tucker and Rodgers sound and how fascist the extreme Left always sounds now in comparison. Any balanced thinking is now deemed “conservative.'“)
“Not many people are able to apologize for what happened during Covid… I wondered what happened to my critical thinking family. And what the hell had happened to the critical thinking capacity of so many people around the world?…I’ve been telling friends about the apology and the conversation I had with my Dad. Each time I tell the story, I see tears glistening in people’s eyes. I feel their surprise, relief, and grief. I feel their hurt and their hope that they may receive an acknowledgment or apology from an estranged loved one. One man told me he was deeply moved by my story and but also how sad it is that a simple apology, once an ordinary occurrence, is now a big deal.” (Luma Catherine Malone)
“@COVIDSelect releases testimony of Dr. Francis Collins, former NIH director who ran America's Covid response.”
(Note: I have always pointed out the total absurdity in the inconsistency of the mask rules/logic. I have posted about it for years on my DAILY. People wearing masks on the subway, airplanes, and restaurants but then taking them off to eat in the very same spaces. People wearing masks outside but not inside. People wearing masks alone in their cars. People wearing masks alone on the beach, in fresh air. Actors filming for hours on set, doing scenes—even intimate scenes—maskless, but then wearing masks around the same cast members and crew while not shooting. Talk show audiences wearing masks while the hosts and guests onstage brazenly did not. All to fuck with people and test their willingness to be controlled and manipulated. I wore a mask for about a week, at the very start of Covid, when we did know what was going on. It was stupid even then because I was walking around NYC often completely alone on deserted streets. The deserted streets were some of my happiest memories of NYC. I filmed Bulk Collection during that time. I hated being told to wear a mask in 2020 and 2021 and resisted and fought against it every chance I got. I was probably thrown out of Whole Foods a total of 5 times by the same security guards, the security who stare at their cell phones while at work, and do nothing when people go on shop lifting rampages and have physical altercations at the store.)
(Note: And I agree about the masks being a form of anti-sociality. I made this point some weeks ago regarding the student protestors of the Israel/Palestine war—almost all the “students” were masked. Why? Being in a mask all day and then unmasked in your social media vanity bubble, where you over-expose yourself, is another example of narcissism. The masked people in my elevator who screamed at people for even being in the elevator with them, at the same, let alone for not being masked, clearly hate other people, and used Covid as an excuse to be savage towards others.
“The key to thinking clearly is when you’re getting swarmed.” (Dave Smith and Tucker Carlson) (*Note: I love what Tucker says about the importance of uniforms (which don’t always have to be literal) and the way we take people seriously, and people take themselves and their roles in society more seriously, when they wear them, or dress seriously, as it were. My ex-husband was obsessed with dressing in uniform, which was essentially the same items of clothing every day—well-made and beautiful, but utilitarian. My mother and I have been talking about the need to go back to uniforms a lot lately as well. Now you go to the crazy-expensive hair salon or restaurant and your hairdresser and waiter have thongs sticking out of their pants (I saw a male waiter at a bar in NYC wearing that last month and was horrified) and tattoos and piercings all over their body, which is completely visible because everyone is so scantily clad. They don’t even dress well—elegantly—which makes me want to see them in uniforms because it’s so gross and self-indulgent. They have zero self-respect or respect for the establishments/roles they are in. Everything is their private bedroom and on full display. For example, the apprentice at the expensive hair salon I go to literally has her stomach hanging out at work every time, which often has rashes all over it. That is supposed to be nice for clients to look at. She is also very over weight so her stomach is huge. For context, I have a flat stomach, yet I have almost never bared my midriff in my life in public. So I’m not suggesting you can or should only flaunt your body if you are skinny. Also, what Tucker says about the rich class once dressing well is what I wrote about in my essay “Mixed Signals” in Picture Cycle. You can’t tell who anyone is anymore. And that incoherence and mix-up is the point. It does not signify equity or equality. It is fake modesty and fake egalitarianism. Everyone is awful rather than everyone is equal. It’s simply a different kind of ostentatiousness. Everyone looks like trash but everything costs a fortune. If everything costs a fortune, I don’t want to see your ugly long blue nails and ass hanging out and tattoos all over your neck and arms and legs with your horrible lip filler and Botoxed face. But if you object, you’re a piece of shit for having any standards for the services you are paying through the nose for. Why should anyone follow any rules of social conduct, look nice or sophisticated or put together? Why should you ever get what you pay for? Tucker points out that acting this way, especially in the leadership and elite class, is a form of “shirking duty.” They’re showing you that you have no right to expect anything for your money and time. Think hoodie-wearing billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg. They want you to “relate” (trust them) to them for not wearing a suit. For the record, I’m obviously not defending the liars in suits that dominated our country for decades either. I am criticizing fakeness and the pretense of being way too casual and “yourself” in shared public and professional spaces. No one is themselves in this world, so that angle is bullshit. For me, clothing is also social etiquette. That doesn’t at all mean you have to be conservative in the way you dress or boring. I was always a very avant-garde dresser and grew up in a family of people with famously great and eclectic style. But there is such a thing as a social decorum. I have lived in NYC on and off all my life, and I have never in my life seen the amount of young women/preteen girls with their bare asses hanging out in broad day light on the street—sometimes no underwear—as I do on a daily basis now. Yes, I saw these kinds of outfits/behavior in clubs, in certain circles (usually gay men and drag queens) at night. But not in the middle of the day, at work, or at school. Historically, the most beautiful women have rarely been scantily clad in their dress style; usually they were quite covered and wore little makeup. It was intriguing and illustrated the mystery of elegance and real style. In light of Tucker’s comment, what should we take away from this? What is the point of looking and acting this way? More shamelessness? It’s also teaching men and young boys to have zero imagination and zero respect for women who don’t play this game, making all optics and desires pornographic. These same women are constantly accusing men of harassing them on the street, and being ogled. Who wouldn’t look? I look. The problem is when you ARE wearing clothes, minding your business, and not asking for the attention and comments, and you’re being harassed. As I always say, play a side when it comes to your battles and complaints. Don’t give mixed signals because if you do, no one will take your seriously. And this applies to all things.)
“A dream deferred never dies. Like the eternal nature of love, our dreams are kept alive and immortalized by way of our hope and faith. Though fears, delays and disappointments may at times dampen our fervor and resolve, the true dreams of our souls can never truly be put away or extinguished. Those desires we have, that are driven by a silent gnawing and aching at our soul’s centrepoint, are not there to taunt us with an unquenchable longing for all that can never be obtained or satisfied. They exist to ignite the primordial passions that reside hidden in our sleeping potential; to strike the light that illuminates the paths and roads that lead the way back home to our devinity and true domeciles...” (Solarah)
“I was surprised to encounter my resistance. And there was no way forward except by leaping…Water is God.” (Hope Fitzgerald) (Note: I always felt this as a child. I loved swimming in the ocean more than anything. Nothing made me happier than swimming. I also constantly swam in pools. I knew—and felt—that water was Christ consciousness, My mother could not get me to come out of the sea during our summers on the Cape. It was my idea of bliss.)
“Metaphysically, I have a theory that magical people, or those with certain genetic traits, are more space weather sensitive.” (Mystic Medusa on the weather wars (HAARP) and solar flares)
“Exile, say the Gnostics, is the human condition…The hero’s journey is a passage through exile.”
“The Ego always wants to win.” (Sun Fire Tarot)
“I really don’t like cagey people.” (Celia Farber)
“Every time we make a choice to stand unashamedly in our truth, and in the power of who we are and who we want authentically, we inspire some, and repel or repulse others. This is because the rising into, and holding of our true frequency, highlights to others where they are not doing the same…where they are being fraudulent and fake, to the detriment of their own soul’s truth and self-expression. Some love this exposure. These are the ones who have learned to tame their ego, and in doing so, see that when another shines a light on their blindspots and flaws, it’s an opportunity to get to know themselves better and more intimately…Those, who have been taught to be so ashamed of who they are—that they wear their self-rejection as cloaks and masks to preserve their facades and comforts--are threatened by any reflection of themselves in another that they’ve been programmed to believe is shameful or ‘wrong.’ This will then cause them to reject those parts of you—when and as you express them—in response. Other people’s shadows belong to them…not you. So, refuse to hold onto the projections and deflections hoisted upon you by those who want you to wear their shadows, instead of taking it back for themselves…Are you brave enough to live your true story, and arise out of every narrative that had you living in penance for being who you actually are?” (Solarah)
“Not everything has to end badly.” (Stay Close, 2021)