Read the notes above. Houston & Bowery.
It has become disgusting out there, but things (signs, synchronicities, notes, street posts) like this help. Every day I see shit on the streets of NYC that blows my mind, makes me despair and recoil. Makes me want to crawl under a rock. My eyes burn. I can barely deal with it (anyone) anymore. NYC is a microcosm for the crisis of masculinity that has befallen our degrading and incoherent world.
As Solarah writes:
“We have all had a part in co-creating the nightmare we find ourselves wanting out of. We may not have done so consciously and conscientiously. And yet it was our denied and abandoned God consciousness that was usurped and used to bring dysfunctional relational dynamics within this simulation to life. One of the problems that we must overcome, if we are to come back into authority over the fullness of our own God consciousness, is our fear of the ‘dark.’ Triumphing over fear is key in how we recuperate the extensiveness of our God code catalogues. Whatever we fear, we feed with our life force. This is why fear has been utilised to dominate and rob us of our light codes in this simulation. The dark is where all must go to die. The dark is where everything new must begin its birthing process. The darkness is also an excellent place to lock away and hide that which we don’t want to deal with, face, or see. It is in the darkness of our own souls that the fullness of our potential gets lost and hidden. Like an old storage unit forgotten by those whose possessions it still holds, our repressed shadow stores the emblems of our forgotten greatness, alongside the junk we just can’t find a way to part with. Many will continue mindlessly paying the rent on the storage unit, as the task of sorting through relics of another time feels too daunting…The sad reality is that many don’t have the mettle to face up to the full picture of who they really are, let alone recover the fullness of that power for their own forward advancement.”
Like the street sign in the image above, I am waiting for the “good things that happen to those who stay true.”