Sandy Wexler, 2017
Useful terms and quotes:
“Change requires a genuine breakthrough. And breakthrough requires genuine change. An honest invitation to a new way of being. A profound paradigm shift.” (Adrienne Elise)
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” (Rumi)
"If you want to create the experience of synchronicity and love, you're going to need a coherent heart. And the heart is the magnetic field. The magnetic field draws things to us. For that, you need a coherent heart and brain connection. The more coherent my heart is, the more energy in my heart, the more I can draw my future to me without being afraid of it...People don't realize how powerful they really are, how connected they are to Source, and how whole they are. An abundant person would never hold onto to anything they don’t truly need because the Soul always has more than it needs.” (Dr. Joe Dispenza)
"A warrior is a being of courage." (Kerry K)
"The false matrix is a mimicry system. It’s Division consciousness vs Ascension consciousness." (Kerry K.)
"Outside of your comfort zone is freedom and abundance." (YT comment)
"Abundance economy." (Adrienne Elise)
"The opinion-giver is often the one who can't handle differing opinions." (YT comment)
"Inserted history." (Joe Rambo)
“LGBTQ trans Superstate” (Celia Farber)
"They fed us the dream when it was really a nightmare." (Adrienne Elise)
"The Luciferic light is a false light...This blinding intense light has an artful disposition. We gave our soul to Rothschild and Rockefeller." (Bukola)
"Democratic Left liberalism is a very low Consciousness...They are the choir for the lowest desires. But people are scared to call it what it is." (Bukola)
"We are witnessing the implosion of the Democrat facade." (SG Anon)
“We have no privacy but we have more secrecy in our government than ever. The people in charge have created a system where nothing they do can ever be evaluated because you're not allowed to know what they're doing, in your name, with your money—over a billion classified Federal documents. That means, by definition, it's a corrupt system. So I do think going forward, if we're going to save the country, fix the system, have a government that we can believe in, be proud of, sort of anyway, you need to declassify a lot, beginning with 911, not to mention the JFK assassination.” (Tucker Carlson)
“Because the Q mission specifically foretold of the extinction of the Demonrat Party and the unification of the country, the propaganda value of the staged political transformations of Leftists ‘RFK’ and Elon Mask is enormous. More than anyone else, these two operatives have made it socially acceptable for mushy moderates and even some not totally insane libtards to hop aboard the Trump Train.” (Mike King)
“How does it makes you feel?’ can be summed up as 5th generation warfare.” (Joe Rambo)
"Abject crimes against humanity." (SG Anon)
“The false matrix had us all playing social games to get our needs falsely met. You see this magnified in the social media sphere a lot, and it is an amplification of the social structures and mores that were established long before the internet.” (Solarah)
"Did you destiny swap? People took up the destinies of celebrities instead of their own.” (Bukola)
"I am in favor of not catering to narcissistic sociopaths...which most modern children have become." (YT comment)
“When I’m consuming I’m not creating.” (Bethany Hamilton)
“When you can keep ‘rolling’ with digital, unlike film, there’s no urgency.” (Alden Olmsted)
"The human mind cannot refuse any information transferred through sound. That makes music the most important information we have. When they keep playing it a song, you have no choice but to absorb it, like it, and remember it, because it's programming. We need cruelty-free music. Cruelty-free artistry." (Jaquar Wright)
“Death and life is in the POWER OF THE TONGUE! YES, the tongue is very powerful. They speak words. Words are the most powerful acoustic arsenals in the universe! Words can be negative or positive. You choose! The music you listen to is key also, especially if you sing the lyrics.” (Shiloh Lion King)
"Nothing sticks anymore. No one remembers." (New Treason Media)
“There’s no outrage.” (Joe and Scott/TruthStream)
“When this is over, don't ask me how I knew. Ask YOURSELF how YOU didn't.” (PennyLane51)
"When did you get so paranoid?"
When they started plotting against me." (The Paper, 1996)