
Die Hard 2, 1990

It’s official (DNC official): So called "real life" is now an SNL skit. And then I wonder why I can’t deal with anyone anymore. ​

Also, “Something that’s been ON my heart.”? These people can’t even get their prepositions right, let alone their “hearts.” I’ve lately been so irked by everyone’s bad English. It wouldn’t bother me so much if it wasn’t people in very high places, which goes to show how dumbed down those very high places and positions have gotten. If you can’t even construct a basic sentence grammatically, and don’t know what subject verb agreement is, not to mention express an intelligent, coherent thought, you’re probably not meant to be a news anchor or a mayor. I’m thinking of the Biden administration press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre calling the Nobel Prize “Noble” over and over in 2023. This country is just so embarrassing and dumb. Even our leaders and teachers and intellectuals and artists are dumb. The smartest, most aware, most thoughtful, and most articulate people are the working class patriots and free thinkers. Intellectuals are the most brainwashed, ideologized, weaponized, and anti-critical category of people (George Orwell: “There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”). Artists too. Our society has become completely tacky, uneducated, and tasteless. Not to mention bat-shit crazy. It’s insufferable. And for me that has nothing to do with money, by the way. You can be poor and have taste and class. The richest and most famous people have no class because they have no dignity or principles. If you want to understand what Hollywood and celebrity and the DOJ really is watch L.A. Confidential (1997). Many rich kids in my building are the dumbest people there are. NPCs with dogs and iPhones and big salaries, who never even acknowledge or look at other people. And Jenn Psaki’s smug self-importance and contempt for everyday people is just…beyond…words. The way she looks at her stupid papers, like some “genius” preparing. The arrogance is written all over her face. All these liars and actors makes me think of Job 38:2 “Who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge?" “Words without knowledge.” Words without brains. Words without Soul. Words without ethics. Words without truth. And the ludicrously fake (literally made up) black spiritual of Dr. Quintessa Hathaway’s (what a name!): “My government done me wrong” shit, when you’re literally working for the Devil—the total theater of corruption from every corner reminds me of Brian De Palma’s The Bonfire of the Vanities (1990). The film is like a history (parody) of the liberal agenda, hence why the movie, while based on Tom Wolfe’s wildly successful titular novel, totally bombed (there’s a book about the disastrous making of De Palma’s movie called The Devil’s Candy).

I won’t go into the reasons for this—for how and why I think the dumbing down has happened. The loss of any depth, intelligence, or integrity from daily life. I have done this every day on my blog for years. This, now, is just a straightforward little rant.

Masha Tupitsyn

I explore film from a deep politics perspective. My DAILY blog offers multi-media posts & screen shot criticism about film, media, culture, literature, philosophy, deep politics, the deep state, COVID, Mkultra, crimes and criminals, the false matrix, free speech, sense-making, the trials of spiritual and emotional autonomy, truth seeker, faith, and love. My daily blog features useful media references, sites, and links.



