This is what they had planned for us:
“Six cities were locked down to include only the vaccinated in public indoor places. They were New York City, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., and Seattle. The plan was to enforce this with a vaccine passport. It broke. Once the news leaked that the shot didn’t stop infection or transmission, the planners lost public support and the scheme collapsed. It was undoubtedly planned to be permanent and nationwide, if not worldwide. Instead, the scheme had to be dialed back Even with all that, worse was planned. On July 26, 2020, with the George Floyd riots having finally settled down, the CDC issued a plan for establishing nationwide quarantine camps. People were to be isolated, given only food and some cleaning supplies. They would be banned from participating in any religious services. The plan included contingencies for preventing suicide. There were no provisions made for any legal appeals or even the right to legal counsel. The plan’s authors were unnamed but included 26 footnotes. It was completely official. The document was only removed on about March 26, 2023. During the entire intervening time, the plan survived on the CDC’s public site with little to no public notice or controversy.”
*Note: Because I refused to get vaccinated or wear a mask in public, I lived like this—with little to no access to most public places, apart from supermarkets and the subway—for almost two years. In places like Australia and New Zealand, quarantine camps were in effect and draconian, violent measures were used to keep people in lockdown. NY Govenor Kathy Hochul had quarantine camps (gulags) planned for NY until very recently. We almost lost everything while everyone had their heads in their asses over identity politics, ignoring everything that was actually happening to our civil liberties and bodily autonomy. Stanley Plotkin, the world’s leading vaccinologist, admitted in the New England Journal of Medicine, that vaccines are not properly studied. Hopefully RFK Jr. is going to clear these motherfuckers OUT.
Village of the Damned, 1995
Bravo, Dave Smith, who recently spoke to Joe Rogan about RFK Jr., COVID crimes, and the future of health in America.
As I’ve said a few times on this blog, Dave Smith was one of the very few people to oppose the COVID mandates on his podcast during 2020-2021, as was RFK Jr., who spoke at many of the medical freedom and anti-mandate rallies I attended for two years. And I’ll always be grateful for that. We were a very small group in NYC and it was an extremely difficult and scary time. If you didn’t go through it, and didn’t stand or speak out against the mandates and got vaccinated, you have no idea.
The mainstream media is still not talking about COVID-vax related deaths and injuries (heart disease, heart attacks, brain clots, stroke, all different kinds of cancers, etc) that are surging across the world, and on the rise amongst young people, as is suicide and drug addiction and illiteracy because of lockdowns and school closures (though taking kids out of school was also a good thing because parents finally realized what their children were actually being taught).
Most on the Left don’t care because they’re too busy crying about themselves, their engineered delusions and self-generated conflicts, and shaving their heads over Trump’s election win. They have zero clue. They are programmed slaves.
When it comes to the women’s rights they claim to be protecting, and the abortion fetish the Left (perhaps if people weren’t so programmed to be sex and porn addicts, to dissociate from their bodies and spirit in order to be hyper-sexual with strangers, there wouldn’t such a great need for abortions in the first place. It’s a vicious cycle. Our pornographic libidos at this point function like automized self-pleasuring machines, completely disconnected from the divine and from sex as a loving and healing act. Also, there are ways for women to sync with their bodies so that you know exactly when you are more fertile in your menstrual cycle and when your are not. It’s called being in tune. I never got pregnant in my entire life) is all but consumed by, the Biden administration appoints women into office and the Supreme Court who pretend they can’t define what a woman is because they are not biologists, and men who pretend to be women, even though they are also not biologists and claim biology does not exist. How exactly can you protect something you are actively destroying, degrading, gasligting, and manipulating? They are fighting the wrong enemy. They are fighting themselves.