“(They command that we admire only the famous.)…Media stock market…This story is not about Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs—he is a ‘monster’ sure, but generated by a monster factory, that is the one that also generated Epstein and Maxwell.
This factory will always produce the next P Diddy and the next one and the next one.
You can’t speak of it. You have to always strip away context.
How many hundreds, or maybe thousands of people, are complicit in Sean Combs’ empire of violence against women and children? The story is a tragic indictment of American society, which is consumed by and eclipsed by its ‘entertainment industry,’ and the countless sick ‘Gods’ (stars) we are told to revere. Fame and money paralyzing thousands of people against speaking up, or calling the police, even when children arrive by the busload in the middle of the night, or women are beaten in broad daylight, in hotel lobbies.
What might we have been, without ‘the music industry?”
“And I just want to say that I appreciate Puff Daddy, for doing the kind of work that he’s doing.”
—Barack Obama, 2008
Liz Crokin. Notice the year of Obama's statement about Diddy and the starting year of the Diddy indictment--2008. Party boy New York City Mayor Eric Adams gave Diddy a key to New York City just last year. Let that sink in.
From Diddy's indictment.
NY Times, 2023. Eyes Wide Shut.
NY Times, 2023. Mkultra trauma programming.
*Note: Everyone has been “under the influence, ”as Celia Farber writes in her Substack post. Even those that claim they are not. Even those that purport to be genuine. I have spent my life trying to escape the influence and control of these worlds, especially as a native New Yorker writer/artist/critic who grew up Downtown. To unpack these worlds, understand them, expose them, boycott them. To build my own world. To live in truth and integrity. To never sell myself for anything, or anyone. To never buy meaning or attention for cash, acceptance, inclusion, or praise. No one I have ever known—or loved (besides my parents)—did the same. No one went with me. No one chose what I chose, or chose me. Because everyone is under the influence—mentally, emotionally, socially, politically—in ways we have not even begun to understand or question, save for a few. Who you associate with, that's who you are, whether you choose to face it or not. And, who the person you associate with associates with, that’s also who you are. You cannot just say, “Well, I’m just doing my thing” because there is no “thing” which hasn’t been affected, infiltrated, co-opted, corrupted, absorbed, ensnared, destroyed by them. That is the whole point. Your thing is their thing now—and always was. It was never just your thing—not really, you just thought it was. Or pretended. And if it was once your thing, it certainly isn’t anymore. Their whole thing was to take your thing—take all things—and make you feel like it was yours, and they would reward you for it, make you famous, popular, and rich for it, all the while making you feel like it was still…your…thing. It’s one thing to make mistakes—we all do, we all have—it’s another thing to defend those mistakes. To play dumb, weak, blind, and complicit. That’s a whole other thing. Time’s up for making excuses. For all of us.
What and who might we have been without all of this hell?
As one person on Substack noted: “We are all far from home. And the way back takes years.”