A Discovery of Witches, 2018
@HealthRanger: “We are now watching one of the most hilarious political pivots in history, where Democrats, reacting to the exploding #MAHA movement (Make America Healthy Again) with RFK + Trump, are now openly siding with processed foods, junk foods, pesticides, GMOs, toxic food ingredients and of course Big Pharma's deadly vaccines. To be a Democrat in 2024, you have to now embrace and even endorse mass-production toxic food factories, the mass vaccination of pregnant women, the mass murder of unborn babies, the mass poisoning of our youth with toxic food ingredients, all while claiming to want to ‘save the planet’ with ‘green’ policies. It's beyond hilarious. The Democrats stand for nothing but DEATH. They are the DEATH PARTY, pretending to be the party of ‘joy.’ Exactly like the Third Reich. Years ago, I marched in the streets of Austin as part of the ‘March Against Monsanto.’ It was filled with bleeding heart liberals who believed in clean food and organics. Today, those very same people believe in toxic processed foods, toxic vaccine jabs, and toxic agriculture. The real CLEAN FOODS movement is now RFK+Trump.”
*Celia Farber has been calling the Globalist NWO Left the death cult for years. COVID-19 proved it.