Interview with the Vampire, 1994. (I’m reminded of the line from Fight Club. 1999: “What’s the difference between art and sabotage?” Brad Pitt stars in both movies).
I get depressed and so disheartened about things like the Grammys and Oscars still airing despite the bad ratings and low numbers; despite all the disclosures and information out there now. Despite the literal and symbolic fires in California. But then I read people’s comments and it gives me hope. It’s 2025, we should be able to close the cognitive dissonance gap and overthrow this vile criminal demonic celebrity Empire once and for all. And yet, all the fashion and tabloid mags remain, all the shitty music videos and movies continue to be made, the red carpet events, the talk shows, the film festivals, the dumb parties, the fashion shows. All the mediocrity that is celebrated and rewarded.
By now, we should understand social media, and the media apparatus in general, as one giant grooming-programming machine. When there used to be more critical thinking and mentally balanced and independent people in the world, who had inner lives and space to be alone with their thoughts, who could think and look at things without an iPhone in their hand or under their face at all times, we could withstand some of the culture industry’s daily messaging and pressures. We had our real lives and interests and tastes and deep relationships to protect us. But with the predatory algorithm and nanotech in our bodies now, it’s almost impossible, unless you are working hard to do so and have a strong relationship with Source, which protects you Divinely, but also teaches you how to protect yourself.
Do you even know how to read this poison culture, much less understand it and resist it?
The reason everyone’s behavior, words, and identity is so all over the map, so incoherent and hypocritical, so confusing and disturbing, is because everyone has been Mkultrd to death. It’s time to completely let go of the lower matrix personality constructs and attachments, most especially these demonic celebrity identity constructs. Their literal acts of Abracadabra, which means “magical formula.” Aka spell work, mind control, and rituals.
“Abracadabra, from Late Greek Abraxas, cabalistic or gnostic name for the supreme god, and thus a word of power.”
Mkultra mind control alters (sleepers assassins. Remember that movie by the same name that came out in 1996? About the young boys who were ritually sexually abused in a correctional facility—and God knows what else— and how they grew up to take revenge?) are activated with code words.
Spells are activated by code words.
A word of power chanted over and over is spell work.
An image shown over and over, day after day, year after after year, is spell work.
Spell work is mind control.
Mind control is Mkultra.
Mkultra is trauma.
In recent years, what I refer to as “demonic aesthetics” have come to completely dominate the cosmetic and media industry.
The singers, and the critics who pretend to assess and rate them objectively, do not hide what they’re doing. It is in plain sight.
Lady Gaga image used in today’s Pitchfork review of her new single “Abracadabra.”
The photo of Gaga in this Pitchfork article is Gaga’s face split in two (split personality/fractured self) by a broken mirror. Broken mirrors (and mirrors in general) and twins/doubles are an old Illuminati/Monarch programming symbol used for decades in horror movies and thrillers to symbolize alters, split personalities, dissociation, trauma. You can see these kinds of Mkultra symbols/motifs in nearly every music video now. But it’s always been there, even in “kids” movies like Return to Oz (1985). It just wasn’t this blatant and ubiquitous.
Return to Oz, 1985
Superman II, 1980
Mulholland Drive, 2001
Ryan Gosling, Gucci campaign, 2023
Billy Ellish
Dracula, 1979
The pull quote for the Pitchfork article refers to Gaga’s brand new ‘Abracadabra’ single as a “magic formula.”
The reviewer opens their article by stating, “I’m split in two over ‘Abracadabra.’”
Monarch programming is used to generate alter personalities.
To split the mind. To fracture it.
Beyonce had a stage alter/alias, Sasha Fierce. There are many others too. Madonna was always changing her style, her voice, her look, her body, the way spies do. We were told this was her gift, her “magic formula.” We were taught to love it. Her “genius” was that she never looked the same. Neither does Gaga. Who’s to say, as I’ve written over and over, that all these people are the same person? It’s the perfect cover for different people to claim to be one person while always looking like someone else.
Lady Gaga, 2022
And let’s not forget the symbolism for Pitchforks and who uses them iconographically. Usually the Devil. I don’t think the go-to association for Pitchforks is angry mobs and farmers anymore.
In Gaga’s video for ‘Abracadabra” she is, of course, two different alters. One a Devil/Overlord, all dressed in blood red and covered in spikes (her outfit reminds me of Hellraiser’s Pinhead), with long black witchy nails. I think she even sports a cane like Robert De Niro playing Louis Cyphre (Lucifer) in Angel Heart (1987) or Professor Woland (the Devil) in Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita. The other Gaga alter is dressed in white and operates within a One-Body Collective (everyone is in white). Look at the demonic faces (scary expressions) of all the people in this swarming dance orgy. Look at all the identities within identities—it is an ideological army. Look at all the ideologies moving and undulating like one hive mind of hell.
Why is everything a horror movie now? Why does everyone use horror movie imagery and tropes? And then they pretend to be doing work that “uplifts the people” “by honoring their differences and personal truths.” Do you find this uplifting? I think it is a nightmare. What my mother calls “poison culture.”
If you don’t want me to speak about these people/cultural products/assaults in Biblical or spiritual terms, then they shouldn’t all be using blatantly demonic imagery all the time, regardless of genre. When they stop, I’ll stop. That’s their great magic trick (as Baudelaire and others told us. You can hear a version of this in Tod Browning’s 1931 Dracula as well): they deny the Devil exists and that what you are plainly seeing is Satanic worship/ritual masquerading as culture. And we in turn give up on the Angelic and the sacred.
These are broken minds, broken bodies, broken spirits.
For the record (because I guess most people these days have no idea what they are talking about and that is the point): When artists are actually repressed and oppressed by tyrannical governments, like Gaga and Alicia Keys claimed at the 2025 Grammys, they are not multi-millionaires and pop culture icons, who get praised all the time and win endless awards. That is not oppression or dissidence. That is State-sanctioned art and decadence. That is Bolshevism.