A little reprieve. Like an interlude on an old album.
Resurrection, 1980.
To break the Mkultra.
I have always loved living in European cities and villages for this reason, the bells would toll every day, multiple times a day. If you listen to sound bowl sessions on YT, you will begin to understand what I mean.
A few examples and some background:
528 (Scroll down to the bottom of X post for video)
I wouldn’t be surprised if 741 (aka, “the Devil’s Interval” in musicology) is the hertz they’re now using for police sirens, ambulances sirens, and fire trucks in NYC. I used to love the old European sirens, especially when I hear them in old movies (here is the The US. Here is Europe). Those sirens are rhythmic, coherent, and clean. They’re almost cheerful. Up and down, up and down. Sort of the way a bell sways back and forth, back and forth when it rings. It makes sense. These old sirens—technically alarm bells—don’t make me anxious. But these new discordant paroxysmic sounds make me want to crawl up a wall, or under a bed. Whenever I hear them, I go into panic mode, like a dog. I have misophonia/sonophobia, which makes me extremely sensitive to sound. I shouldn’t call it sound. It is noise that is designed to terrorize, hypnotize, and assault. They are purposely used to drive us crazy. It is was the Rockefellers who instituted 741as the world’s standard tuning note, which gives you yet another proof of their Luceferic (“the Devil’s interval”) agenda. They also designed our food and medical system to be poisonous.
Years ago, the media theorist Douglas Rushkoff said it perfectly: “They took our music. Music is how our bodies got coherence.”
Music is also how we connected with and felt true resonance: Godcode.
I want to live by the sea and listen to bells all day. I feel just that alone would restore me. And the end of iPhones.