Lisa Frankenstein, 2024
“We were programmed to de-sensitize ourselves in order to survive the many crimes against our own humanity, and those we were made to witness as normalcy. That de-sensitizing process was more effective on some, and many of you have felt the brutal pain of existing on this planet for as long as you’ve been here, because you weren’t de-sensitized enough to simply ignore and bear it like others. For you, life here has been jarring and brutal…It will soon be those with hardened and unhealed hearts who feel out of place here on Earth…not us anymore. True power is exercised when we walk in alignment with who we are devinely, and it then matches us up with those we are here to fulfill our sacred purposes with. True power is only properly accessed by way of our hearts being properly open again under the authority of our solar plexi. Everything else is posturing and pretending….which will always draw in those who we may appear to have similarities to in the material, and on the surface, but don’t truly resonate with on a deep soul level.”