Meet Joe Black, 1998
Death, in physical form, acts as Hades (Pluto) and momentarily decides to steal the daughter (Susan), who is Persephone in Meet Joe Black.
Death—Mr. Joe Black—having never lived in a human body (and who has hijacked someone else’s body, someone he killed), is immature, greedy, and dangerous and selfish. Overwhelmed by the physical senses—how things and people taste and smell and feel.
Death as Joe Black is pubescent, physically inexperienced.
He asks the Father (Bill), who is Ceres in this scene (in the Roman myth, Ceres is the Mother, not the Father. The mother is long dead in this movie), what true love is.
The father gives the perfect answer.
“And above all, not hurting the object of your love.”
Here is more of what the Father says:
Meet Joe Black, 1998. *I will probably write a long post on this very strange film, which is 3 hrs long.