Blue, Derek Jarman, 1993. "The blue screen of Neptune."
On the Lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17, 2024:
“Yes; I know you don’t know what to do or where to go from here. No one does; if they say they do then they are simply stealing other people’s destinies to determine what was not revealed to them. You are not lost and you are not forgotten. The Lunar Eclipse will consult Neptune for a preview of that vision. The ‘Blue Screen’ of Neptune will be turned on. This doesn’t mean a perfect vision is coming—that will be when Neptune goes direct on December 7th—but it does mean you will know what is Not going with you, and you will know which doors to close and which to anticipate opening. Clarification will break dawn at the Eclipse that consults Neptune. I will explain over the weekend. Focus and be encouraged always.
Know! … that part of knowing what to do is coming to the understanding of what is no longer for us to be doing. Something is closing and it is clearing space for what must open. Something is ending and it is awakening us to what is beginning. Neptune will help us to understand with certainty what must dissolve without regret, doubt or guilt or fear. Faith is the theme as the outer planets are retrograde. Outer planets rule time just as inner planets rule the physics of personal reality and matter. We can’t expect movement in our timelines until the outer planets go direct. Focus people! Focus and have faith! Focus and focus well! Outer planetary retrogrades are about the introspection of our Salvation in relation to the house(s) of our chart. Progress is in the Salvation we allow to manifest. Progress is in our maturity and wisdom. Progress is in our ascension to unconditional love and forgiveness and understanding as our intent. We are progressing!
Remember that we don’t wish or pray for it to be over, we pray for the wisdom and understanding that it was all intended for. Never think or believe that you have been left behind or forgotten. Never think or assume that your destiny was not decreed from Heaven. Salvation keeps us clear, prepared, and capable of receiving what is only meant for our soul to receive as it must be received. Our soul is on a journey and these are the phases and experiences that we must pass through for its evolution and awareness and transformations. Neptune has your soul’s vision and blueprint/graphic design. Let’s be patient and wait for the authority of the Registered Graphic Designer to Email us our drawing for our next mission. I assure you that you will not be able to resist pursuing it once it is shown to you. Let’s study ourselves and come to understand ourselves.
When the outer planets go direct, we all will be striving and working to construct the new collective agreement of what our world will mean to us. On a personal basis we will be working diligently to establish a stable and secure infrastructure based on the Heavenly Vision that Neptune will inspire us to achieve and Saturn ‘direct’ will provide the strength and grit to overcome all inevitable obstacles in that pathway. Be calm…. Be calm and be in surrender. Remember that our steps are ordered and we are fortunate to know that we can rely upon inner guidance from perfect wisdom that is always surrounding us with perfect love. The downtime and scary quiet in this hour can make us feel like we might miss the bus or be late for our flight. No…no beloved. It is not that way. Our journey is scheduled. Our pathways are measured. Our blessings and guidance is promised to us. And it is only our own will power that can actively reject it. Sharpen the sword, recalibrate the machine, clean the parts, oil the moving components, and perform an analysis and assessment before operation. Efficiency and effectiveness as well as production is not separate from regular maintenance. We don’t want to get into the active journey and have a preventable maintenance detail cause the journey to be delayed or ruined. Be present for this maintenance schedule. If we eat then we must fast also. If we work then we must sleep also. If we inhale then we must exhale also. If the planets go direct then they must retrograde also. Expansion and Contraction is a Law that our Cosmic Father Obatala/Jupiter (god of white light) introduced to us. What is to expand must also contract. We are in the contraction that generates the kinetic force for expansion. Pluto is closing out our burdens and complete lessons of our collective shadow 8 agreements of the Devil Card (Capricorn)… don’t be in a rush and don’t leave the status of ‘being present’! Be present where the active lesson is blessing us. When we show patience to difficult or challenging lessons, then we allow the discipline of that patience to transform the instructions of the genetics. We change the blood, we change the value of the blood. That will then be the basis of better strategies and decisions and karmic vibrations; and from that what we attract will also be of a higher essence. Be present so we can be transformed by the circumstances.”
“When it comes to Pisces, what are you releasing? You’re releasing the fear that reality won’t let you live your dream…The lunar eclipse in Pisces wants people to release the false perceptions of themselves and their reality.”
-Chad the Maverick