The Manchurian Candidate, 1962
Useful terms and quotes, Part 2:
“Tranvestigation and transpocalypse.” (juglesurfer)
“Lizzo is always selling her weight.” (TROYCETV)
“Ghost-singing.” (TROYCETV)
“In astrology, Pluto is the one who tolls the bell.” (Allastrology)
“Although pop culture has always been tainted by the elite’s agenda to shape and mold young minds, it is during the 60s and the 70s that MK-Ultra stooges and dark secret societies became visible parts of the mix.” (VC)
“Freud is the original, sort of proto-cultural father of the pedophile revolution.” (Celia Farber)
“Lower conscious matrix grid souls.”
“The global cartel of atheists.” (YouTube comment)
“Having a Google search engine is dangerous. They control 92% of all internet searches and information. Don’t Google anything. Use other search engines.” (FCB decode)
“Google lied to you. Facebook lied to you. Radio lied to you.” (Kanye)
“They’re building plants. Plants are no longer living. They are genetically modified.” (SG)
“Politicians have decided the best way to stay in power is to print money. It was never a bank bailout in 2008, it was a takeover.” (FCB)
“Fear currency.” (FCB Decode)
“Hellywood.” (YouTube comment)
“Zero charisma.” (E.T., 1982)
“Neurotech mind control” (Shabnam Palesa Mohammed)
“Digital bio-mechanized slaves” (SG)
“All the structures on the planet have been corrupted. The system we’re in now was designed to enslave us.” (Alex Colliere)
“Maybe the disconnect—the cognitive dissonance—is in the injection itself.” (Tip)
“BRICS is destroying the Fed using gold.” (FCB)
“BRICS is the gateway into the quantum system, into the gold-backed dollar.” (Honey Golden)
“New York City’s and other blue cities controlled demolition by illegal alien invasion….According to the New York Post, the so-called ‘squad’ of socialist lawmakers, who are the most active anti-police group in Congress, who all oppose funding police departments, together spent over $1.2 million last year on private security forces and to “upgrade” security at their district offices in crime-ridden blue cities. Ironically, woke representative Cori Bush paid almost $400K to a conservative, pro-Second Amendment security firm from St. Louis. And, those security expenses were on top of the already-generous, taxpayer-funded security details provided to all representatives by the U.S. Capitol Police. So, while the Sqaud is busily promoting “defund police” policies and advancing laws to reduce citizen’s access to firearms, they are simultaneously increasing their own sense of security using private police forces — using their own constituents’ money. See how it works? In a just world, representatives would be forced to rely only on police, and go without any extra security. They should have to live in the cities they created. Just like the rest of us.” (Coffee and Covid)
“Everyone is mis-representing themselves and there’s no substance to back it up. Everything is fake. We’re just an empty shell. Power that looks like power, love that looks like love, but there’s nothing to back it up. This is the quintessential issue of our times.” (Adrienne Elise)
“Everything you see is fake and scripted.” (@WallStreetApes)
“We underestimate the theatrical, all the time.” (Celia Farber)
“The agenda of confusion.” (Magenta Pixie)
“The first casualty of war is truth.” (The Pulse with Dave)
“Maui has taken our war public. This was calculated attack. This was a direct DEW focalized assault on a We The People bastion of in the Pacific. This is psychological warfare, not climate change.” (SG)
“Mkultra is more insidious today because of the technologies of control. Back then, you had really terrible people running the CIA…people who were genuinely murderous and felt like there were no controls on their behavior…After 1975, when it all came out, during the Church Committee Hearings, the CIA promised that it would no longer compromise American journalism [with Operation Mockingbird], the program continued to compromise journalists all over the world. And today the CIA is the biggest funder of journalism in the world…There’s a provision of the CIA charter that says the CIA cannot propagandize the American people—president Obama adopted, I think through an executive order in 2016, that essentially reopened the door for Operation Mockingbird. So that the CIA began, once again, to propagandize American people.” (RFK Jr.)
“We’ve got to take back the power of our mind.” (Adrienne Elise)
“Dasein, as being-attuned, precedes being-aware…Intelligence means choosing between (inter-legere).” (Byung-Chul Han)
“We had to be unsuspecting in order for them to farm us. We were used as a currency. It is an underground economy.” (Alex Colliere)
“The negative ETs are gone and now. The infrastructure is being taken apart.” (Susan Nachman)
“Not everyone can deal with being told the truth because 99% of the world’s population would have to be hospitalized. I would hope that at least 10% of us could handle the truth.” (Alex Colliere)
“The strongest conspiracy deniers are those that understand very well that there is a huge conspiracy. Others are just ignorant or have cognitive dissonance.” (RFK Jr.)
“They don’t lock people up to get them off the streets, we lock people up because it’s good for business.” (The Pulse with Dave)
“The end will not be for everyone.” (Q)
“Behold I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.” (Corinthians)
“I am a big believer in the power of the quoted word, language itself, I always want to hear what people have to say. It seems to me the New Age movement stopped people from speaking, as people. The New Age era was, among other things, a frontal attack on the very notion of candor in human speech. That era was when speech began to become watered down, generic, and harmless. And we fell into great danger because of it.” (Celia Farber)
“Tolerance applies only to persons, but never to principles. Intolerance applies only to principles, but never to persons.” (Bishop Fulton Sheen)
“Biden is a Manchurian Candidate.” (DJT)
“This is a war of narratives.” (The Pulse with Dave)
“We will all live.” (Dani Henderson)