Resurrection, 1980.
“Why does no one have wisdom in this day? Why are full grown men and women incapable of speaking wisdom anymore? Why are we void of wisdom? Commercial speech is the only thing we can come up with. Commercial slogans is the only thing we can think to say. Commercial statements is the only thing that we can articulate. Some commercial ass shit always coming out our fucking mouth. We don’t think this is a tragedy? What are we doing with our time? Void of wisdom. Void of wisdom. Where’s your wisdom? The ship is sinking. The ship is sinking South Node Libra. The ship is sinking Capricorn 29th degree. If we’re walking with these characteristics and traits of either one of these themes, you better jump ship. Get it out of your system once and for all. Search yourself. Ask God to guide you out of it. That bandwagon you’re on is gonna take you straight to fucking hell, if it hasn’t already. Get the fuck off that bandwagon. Don’t become another parrot that’s repeating what she or he heard…We sound like teenagers when we talk. That’s unacceptable…See, wisdom is original. It’s very simple. And it hits right home. That bandwagon is full of fucking parrots repeating each other. None of them know what the fuck they’re saying or why they’re saying it. They’re just repeating each other…Half the motherfuckers you’re chasing, you’re not even qualified for. They are not a true match. They are beneath you or you are beneath them.”
*Note: Isn’t true love the same as wisdom? You feel true love. You know true love You have true wisdom when you honor true love. If you are wise, you cannot be untrue.