Useful terms and quotes:
“The Q drops are the script to this movie.” (Mark Abrahams)
“The Q posts exposed the entire criminal system.” (Harry the Soul Couch)
“Q teaches you to think for yourself.” (Mark Atwood)
“In the past two months…” and “What. a week.” (@Cillian)
“People say he’s old and maybe he just died. I’m telling you personally I don’t believe that and I’m going to explain why. First of all, is there anything that could be done in the financial world that Jacob Rothschild didn’t have to approve of first? He was the financial world.” (New Treason Media from @38 min to 53 min)
“After 4 years the CDC finally admits COVID is just a f*&king Flu!” (News Treason Media)
“The flu was rebranded as covid. And… the medical profession colluded with this fraud.”
“On the one hand, having such a corrupt DA prosecute the case only helps the Trump side, on the other, if the Judge doesn’t disqualify Fani Willis from the case, we must conclude that corruption goes all the way up the food chain. This fish rots at the head. I put nothing past the Obama/Biden White House.” (Sasha Stone)
“Recently, two of the largest banks in the United States announced they would close in the United States…It seems like the United States is becoming a banking desert.”
“Democrats are terrified at the prospect of Americans earning a living wage.” (@LagerthaMuadDib)
“The Democrats are replacing their own voters with illegal immigrants.” (@Wall Street Apes)
“New York Governor Kathy Hochul is moving forward with her plan to hand illegal immigrants thousands of the best jobs in New York City. New York is even changing their laws to give illegals government jobs. They’re dropping high school diploma & English proficiency requirements.” (Wall Street Apes)
“We open ourselves up energy-wise on so many levels daily. Even when we open our phones, it’s an act of access & permission.” (BiddingMyTime) (Note: Hence, why so many people seem literally spellbound—possessed—by their phones. The predatory algorithm is not simply programmed to be addictive, it is a portal to the demonic. But are we dealing with the demon of technology or demon technology—or both? The inventors are malevolent, that tells us a lot.)
“As long as we’re not told about these dark technologies, they can be used against us.” (Adrienne Elise)
American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders, 2024
The depth of corruption and cover ups, and the end the deep state went to silence the truth. Journalist Danny Casolaro was the Julian Assange of the late 80s/early 90s. American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders is a 4-part docuseries about the vast conspiracy of the NSA, CIA, & DOJ streaming on Netflix now. It is an enormous disclosure and an absolute must-watch that ties many things—historical lies and truths—together. The PROMIS Software created a revolution in intelligence gathering/surveillance. I will need to watch Octopus Murders 2 or 3 times before I can fully wrap my mind around it. It also ties together many of the things I have been learning the past few years. I loved Wild Wild Country (same producers, Duplass Brothers) when it came out in 2018. I have since often thought back to how much, like Disney World and Indio CA (Cabazon Indian Reservation covertly taken over by the CIA and NSA in the 1970s), the seemingly untouchable and rogue Rajneeshpuram commune (religious cult) in the Oregon desert from 1981-1988 was really an Mkultra government operation and experiment. I would like to watch it again to rethink it. Much has happened in the world since 2018! The Rajneeshpuram commune and Cabazon reservation were created around the same time, fyi. It is very important that The Octopus Murders (10 years in the making) is released now—during the 2024 US Presidential race—as it determines that the Ronald Reagan presidential election (called The October Surprise) was stolen in 1980, proving that the 2020 election was indeed also stolen, and that United States elections have been rigged for decades. Remember: Reagan was a Hollywood actor who was chosen to become a politician. It is no accident that the series has been released into the mainstream and by the mainstream (Netflix), and it is a great sign, given that 40 years ago Casolaro was murdered by the deep state for researching the Octopus conspiracy. In episode 3, The Octopus Murders essentially confirms that the primary Zodiac killer suspect, Philip Arthur Thompson, was a FBI and CIA asset, backing up what David Mcgowan and others have been arguing for two decades: serial killers were programmed assassins and/or deep state assets. Octopus Murder’s deep-dive into Thompson gave me a very visceral reaction. In my mind, there can be no more doubt that the Zodiac killer was a false flag distraction/invention/cover story. I wrote a very long essay on David Fincher’s (who for sure is a deep state asset himself. It’s clear now that Fincher, who also created the pro-FBI Mindhunter series, and Robert Graysmith make their primary Zodiac suspect Arthur Leigh Allen to take the focus off of Thompson) Zodiac, a film I adore, for my book Time Tells. The “profile” of the serial killer was created by the FBI. The FBI invented a criminal profiling database to study and catch serial killers the same way that PROMIS, explains private researcher Christian Hansen (himself a kind of obsessive Graysmith figure in the Octopus story), “was a global surveillance project, essentially the birth of digital surveillance as we know it. That’s why there is so much secrecy behind it.” The real story, as many have argued for decades, is that the “lone” serial killer, was in actuality a deep front for sex trafficking, child trafficking, drug and arms trafficking, and money laundering, and intelligence black ops. How can someone operating alone cause so much mayhem and escape conviction for decades unless law enforcement wants them to? By having serial killers supply the raw data with their murders, the FBI “built a composite of the mass killer and his victims,” newscaster Tom Brokaw reported on the evening news in 1984. The JFK Zapruder scene in Ep. 3 is chilling and connects with the great deception of 9/11. The final episode was a mess, and I’m really not sure what Hansen and Treitz ultimate goal was. It threw the baby out with the bath water.). More to say on the Octopus series in another post perhaps.
“Frequential lockdown.” (Solarah)
“Spirit-and-bone Patriots.” (SG)
“Panic financing.” (News Treason Media)
“Billionaires become billionaires because they have better access to information than anyone else on the planet.” (New Treason Media)
American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders, 2024
“Could there be wonder in that? The size of the con?” (George W.S. Trow, 1980)
“Everything can be faked.” (@BroStreetjoy)
“There are bigger problems to solve than being liked.” (Sasha Stone)
“The grind culture of the false matrix that is glorified, is accomplished by the harvesting of our pain, especially for those of us with the richest emotional resources. We were never meant to succeed in the false matrix grind culture because our emotional sensibility doesn’t allow for us to be anything but depleted in such traditions, which was the point.” (Solarah Speaks)
“Ascension is not scary, but letting go of the familiar takes courage.” (Kassandra Tarot)
“Upheaval is there is to help you see the truth. Behind the upheaval is love and freedom.” (Tania Gabrielle)
“Most people don’t stay in marriages because of love. They stay together because they’re scared shit of being alone.” (Faithful,1996)
“Mind, heart, action. You have to unify and integrate what you think, what you say, and what you do…A woman is a man’s crown…A man needs to be a giver. He needs to give to a woman. To his wife. That is his purpose. And the woman receives, and she takes what you give her and she creates a world—a beautiful home. And from this home, you create children that are capable of anything, because they are confident…The glass (confinement, structure) is what makes all things compose and rise. Life. Lose that structure and it’s just a mess…Most people, they are not here, they are in the video game.” (Note: I used to tell my students all the time, “You can’t throw away the structure.” We have thrown away all the structures and then we wonder why we are aimless and shapeless wimps. We have nothing to hold ourselves up with, nothing to pay homage to or devote ourselves to, except ourselves.)
“The false matrix was founded and sustained upon wounded child energies. It thrived off of selective child sacrifice rituals, collective harming of us all in childhood, and then the exploitation of that wounding throughout adulthood by holding us in arrested emotional states by way of unprocessed trauma and the constant cycling through those energies, without resolution.” (Solarah)
“The heart always wins.” (Dr. Christian Northrup)
“The Soul knows the way.” (Awakened Priestess)