*Scooby Doo and the series’ leitmotif of unmaking at the end of each episode was a revelation of the method. Don’t you wish it was so simple in real life?
Jennifer Hudson: So you could walk around as someone else?
Jonna Mendez: Absolutely.
Hudson: And that would be the disguise?
Mendez: Absolutely.
-Jonna Mendez, CIA, Chief (aka “Master”) of Disguise Tech and a longer interview here.
*Note: Walking around as someone else. This statement is a slogan for life in the false digital matrix. Mendez famously pulled the stunt of being “someone else” with President George Bush Sr., former CIA director, in the late 1980s. Imagine what the disguise tech is like now, with AI, deep fake, CGI. I’ve long argued that the disguise-tech of plastic surgery is a social engineering psyop, a tool (cover) of Mkultra occultism and infiltration. We could call it mkultra mask-tech. People don’t have faces anymore, they have face-programs and mask-faces. It’s interesting that NPR uses the word “magic” in their article headline, as though disguise-tech were spell work and mind control, which indeed it is. They admit it, covertly. The CIA is, in fact, an occult (Satanic) agency. These interviews with Mendez are making the rounds this year. Ask yourself: why now?