Monk, S2, 2003.
Useful terms, links, quotes, and notes (on Ritual work and Humiliation):
Ten essays on Q (PDF. If you’re new to Q, this is a great reference to use in catching up. FYI, the document says “QAnon” because Geddes wrote this before that term was demonized by the media and before Q’s famous post stating there is “no QAnon”)
“Framing Techniques for Mass Persuasion” (CodeMonkeyZ)
“Echoing Dreams and Fears” (CodeMonkeyZ)
“Can emotions be used to insert a plant?” (Q drop 4958)
“Looks like Albert Einstein was installed to derail focus from aether, setting the stage for all forms of scarcity (OIL) technologies in 1900s. (Rumble comment)
“How do you incubate a mind virus? How do you cause a culture to self-destruct? In 1984, this KGB defector exposed the 4-stages identified by Soviet intelligence as the necessary steps to cause the psychological implosion of American society.” (Note: I’ve been studying this all-important Bezmenov interview since 2021. It explains and illuminates so much. You can watch the full-length video here)
“We don't vote in the City. NYC is not really a US city. It's more of an international corporate world government capital. Laws of the US, do not really function here, they never have. Constitution doesn't actually really apply to NYC either. It's the seat of international government, not US.” (YT comment) (Note: NYC is turning into what it was in the 1970s, when my parents moved here, minus the interesting culture and low prices/low rent. Now it’s just an “luxury” insanely expensive crumbling dysfunctional Woke shit hole.)
“Democratic anti-Trump lawfare”
Tartarian fridge? Built to last: “I have one still running like a top from the 50s and it has never been serviced. Planned obsolescence is the name of the game in all industry today. Can’t even swap a battery out in the mainstream phones. And they tell you they want a green world. Disgusting. Pure junk today. Build appliances to last if you are lucky 10 years. Quality and longevity used to be a selling point.”
“They’re just staging a really expensive show for nothing.”
“The Oscars are now fully merged with the Democratic Party as one organism. The same reason Trump is making them sweat the polls is why people are tuning out the Oscars. The movie that won’t be announced tomorrow is Sound of Freedom, which landed in the top ten box office of the year, beating both Mission Impossible, Dead Reckoning, and Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. To Hollywood and the Oscars, however, it is like it never happened. Here’s David Mamet, one of the great writers Hollywood ever employed, on this film.” (Sasha Stone)
“Narcissism is the state of mind that puts your suffering as the paramount tragedy.” (Tarot Keen.com)
“They used a rigged PCR test to brainwash the world to think that they could be sick without any symptoms.” (News Treason Media)
Goldman Sachs latest resignation)
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar announces surprise resignation
Vietnam's president resigns after just over a year in office
JP Morgan pays $348,200,000 fine over ‘Unsafe and ‘Unsound’ banking banking practices. (Note: Don’t forget about JP Morgan’s ties with Epstein and Disney. As RattleTrap 1176 notes: “Isn’t the OCC dot Gov the same folks talking about the Quantum Financial System and Global Reset?”)
“When there’s an agenda, you’re not going to get the truth.”
“Yes, they really want us to watch and love the movie. More importantly, they want us to ‘soak up’ its messages and underlying philosophy…In many ways, Emma Stone’s performance [in Poor Things] is reminiscent of Ana de Armas’ performance in Blonde. As explained in my article about this brutal movie, numerous scenes appeared to be specifically written to place Ana de Armas in situations where she is naked and sexually degraded. While the movie was about Marilyn Monroe, it was also about Ana de Armas herself taking part in degrading, near-pornographic scenes as some Hollywood ‘rite of passage.’…[Poor Things] makes sure we see Bella being degraded in every way possible. Also, weirdly, we are also watching actress Emma Stone being degraded as well. The movie’s insistence on depicting sex scenes involving the actress takes on a ritualistic dimension where she’s being initiated through humiliation.” (Vigilante Citizen)
(Vigilante Citizen on Poor Things. Reminds me of The Island of Doctor Moreau. A film that splices Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein with Mkultra occultic Nazi experiments. Godwin is Josef Mengele. Vigilante Citizen calls Poor Things a “pedophilia loophole.”)
(Comment on Emma Stone revealing she “pranced” around on the set of naked Poor Things the whole time to get into “character.”)
End of the Divine Masculine. All men play women now, on and off the screen. John Cena in Ricky Stanikcy, 2024
The Bowery, March 12, 2024, NYC. To me, this is Zadig & Voltaire model is clearly trans. The gaze has been completely transexuzlied (we don’t know what we’re looking at but we are conditioned to desire it). Why was the male gaze bad but the transexual gaze good? What was before a total pysop (top models secretly being men but presented as ideal women) is now a process of acclimatization. You know it’s a man, but to say so, or worse, to be offended or uncomfortable by the displacement of women, makes you transphobic. The new women, we’re told, are men. End of story. If you understand that this female presenting model is in actuality a man, and you compare them to all the other models that reigned supreme from the 1970s and mid-aughts—especially in ad campaigns like Calvin Klein’s One and heroin chic (Janice Dickinson, Cindy Crawford, Stella Tenant, Shalom Harlow, Erin O’conner, Gisele Bundchen, and even Naomi Campbell’s body is very clearly male in retrospect, hence her proportions and muscle tone, not to mention all he Victoria Secret models—then you must start to question whether those “female” models were also men. There are many more examples, but Caroline Cossey is an interesting rabbit hole to go down. Many had bodies that were “ripped” before workout culture and bodybuilding was mainstream. As these models have all gotten older, you can see see their real gender. Youth is naturally androgynous. It makes everyone a bit ambiguous/liminal. And some people develop more gendered bodies as they get older. Not everyone fully develops during puberty.
“It’s about following the ritual work.” (Katt Williams) (Note: And the theater of humiliation in order to “succeed” (advance in one’s rarefied field—Hollywood, finance, music, politics). Williams says “person,” when he should say men. Otherwise, it’s just women wearing dresses.
“The transgender craze started on Tumblr around 2013. I watched it happen, and I know why it happened. The white kids felt abnormal for being normal as Critical Race Theory hit public high schools like my daughter’s. Being ‘trans’ or having a ‘trans’ child elevates one’s status on the Left. They become protected or sacred. The real problem for developing brains is that these powerful algorithms mess with their ability to regulate their dopamine, which ultimately makes them feel like they can’t focus, and leads to anxiety and depression unless they’re drugged out of it. I would support a full ban on social media for kids until the age of 18 across all platforms. I would also implement strict laws that prevent data collection and algorithm manipulation. I would hire Andrew Yang to build out what he calls a Digital Bill of Rights that gives users ownership of their own data. In other words, companies would have to pay them for it…It’s probably not easy for people on the Left to watch their empire collapse, but collapse it will. The reason for that is the rising counterculture revolution. Speech, like information, like truth, wants to be free. When you close off too much reality, too much honesty, too much critical thinking, and push a narrative on the public that no longer resonates, it’s all over but the shouting.” (Sasha Stone)
“Never complain, never complain.” Kate-Gate (Note: As stated above, I think this is all meant to teach us and expose the corruption, lying, coverups, and constant photoshopping that takes places in politics and media. They are red-pilling the masses. The citizen sleuths and digital soldiers have become the experts. Is Kate Middleton even a woman?—that’s another question people are asking. The more I look at these supposedly famous “women” (fashion models, pop stars, royal family members, etc) after what I have learned, the more I plainly see men. It explains a lot—the bodies that were touted by the modeling and fashion industries, which so many women complained were completely unattainable, and were essentially male bodies—extremely androgynous faces, no breasts, hips, no body fat. Extreme thinness. Gay men were at the helm of these industries and were claiming these were their prefererred bodies (boys bodies) for showcasing their clothes. But now it’s clear it was a psyop—not a simply a psyop to make women hate their bodies or emulate fashion and body trends, but a normalization of male/female inversions, so that we became acclimated to transsexualizing the gaze and desire structure.)
“We’ve reached the point where we are putting children on the path to sterilization and castration. And we’re doing that in the name of ‘progress.’ And a lot of the cheerleaders are coming from the Left.” (Andrew Doyle)
There have been a lot of disclosure series about the deep state and child trafficking rings in government coming out on Netflix recently, which is an exciting and a hopeful sign. There was The Octopus Murders a couple of weeks ago and now The Outreau Case and Scoop. These elite pedophile rings have existed forever, and span all industries, countries, eras, and ranks. It is the evil bedrock of our world, not one-off case.
“Trump contempt is for the rich, and privileged. It is that simple. It is an expression of status anxiety.” (Celia Farber)
This isn’t a joke to me—this actually sounds real and completely plausible.
“Truth as transmutation technology. Relinquish false light adherence, which is the false light matrix. The false light cage of reality.” (Sacha Stone on fate lines)
“Were the pyramids built as giant batteries?”
“We have learned sooo many things and yet know absolutely nothing.”
“Dystopian and intentional.” (They want our cities destroyed)
“There is a reason why global ‘artists’ are signed into contracts where their creative control comes under the command of industries, that then make billions off of the public’s insatiable desire and consumption of their craft….while many of the true creators often don’t see that money. Don’t get it twisted. Artists and creators have always ‘run the world.’ Creativity and artistry are at the helm of all enterprise. They just want you to think that your craft is unimportant, and that the market is oversaturated…Some of you have gifts that others need access to in order to exit the false matrix. Don’t give your treasure to those who believe they can access your devine frequency with the same old matrix energy harvesting tactics of depletion….without reciprocity and replenishment. Leave those folk in the matrix to learn their lessons. They must come on board and learn a new and true value system, that allows for them to reconnect with their own true worth, if they are going to have any chance of accessing yours. They must learn to stop devaluing others, and bargaining their way out of giving you what you’re due, and what they promised…Competition exists in the matrix because people strive to do things in ways that win them external recognition, instead of going within and aligning with their own unique set of gifts, talents, and resources.” (Solarah)
“The light was called dark and the dark was called light. Wrong was called right and what was wrong was called right. And we’re all messed up from it…Wealth isn’t paper money, it’s the spiritual truth of the world. The time is ripe to walk out of the old stories and create something entirely new.” (Adrienne Elise)
Total Solar Eclipse (April 8, 2024)
“A tear has so much in it.” (Nancy Rebecca)
“We need to turn off the bad technology so we can develop the Spirit.” (Anne Tucker)
“Now what is left to shift is material reality…Those who see and know your true value will invest accordingly.” (Solarah)
“If we aren't following our Dreams, what's the point?…This Aries Equinox on March 19, 2024 is about a fresh new start, an opportunity to move completely out of the wounded stories of the past and begin to move in new directions, in new ways, towards what we want. We are reprogramming and healing, unwinding our nervous system, and learning to receive our own energetic abundance.” (Adrienne Elise)