Rumble comment, 4/23/24
Useful terms, quotes, and links:
“The more we know the life we are living isn't our Truth, the more we feel uncertain about how to move forward.” (Adrienne Elise)
“Scorpio represents the power of water.” (Kelly Hunter)
“In the 8th house, one becomes two.” (Adrienne Elise)
“We have the ongoing stellium of planets in Aries rolling on from the Aries Total Eclipse on April 8, 2024. Our brains continue being rewired; we are healing old traumas, both remembered and unremembered, as well as mental obfuscations/distortions and the impact of educational disinformation. New neural pathways are forged even in our dream state…Venus is also in Aries, conjunct Chiron along with this Jupiter/ Uranus conjunction, brings the Heart into play. We heal our hearts through Grace and Divine liquid light pouring into multiple systems— galactic, solar, and our several bodies right down into the physical, appreciating the increasing clarity of both Self Love and Love shared with others, Earth and All Our Relations.” (Kelley Hunter)
“Mercury is going back to get Venus, and now as she faces up with Chiron, she is ready to heal all the wounds and drop the trauma stories….It's the official New Start of a whole new timeline. And it has to do with a healed and reborn feminine…The feminine is finally feeling supported to activate into her higher power. It's a new world, based on the beautiful values of the feminine, everything that really matters: Care, nurturing and the Mother's Love.” (Adrienne Elise, 4/22/24)
“You have been blocking your own development and expansion by keeping yourself caged within your own mind. There is nothing you have to defeat to get to healing and expansion other than your own thoughts. Stop holding yourself back. The love you feel and want to act upon has you absolutely drunk on the feeling, and you know that it would lead to your ultimate happiness and wish fulfillment if you stepped up and took action upon it. But you are scared of what you will need to walk away from and leave behind if you speak up. If you follow your dreams. You are trying to heal from this energy by resting and immersing yourself in your work instead of feeling your feelings. On this Scorpio full moon, on April 23, you are being guided to feel what you feel and do what you need to do.” (Starfire Codes)
“It feels like this full moon in Scorpio is bringing in strong energies of reckoning. There is no more time to wait for beings to decide whether they will choose themselves, or cower under the self-destruction programs of the false matrix. The time for choosing self, one another, and a new Earth is coming to a close, and those who are still beholden to, and bewitched by, the spells of the old world and their old life, and have chosen their own further destruction. This Full Moon in Scorpio is all about that process. It is time for the ‘old world’ to be properly gutted, and for the foundations of new realities to be given the space, time, and reources necessary to flourish…We have learned - by way of diligence and a lot of self-work - that the only way to power ourselves back up, is by way of walking into the very situations and places that the false matrix taught us to fear. ‘They’ taught us to be afraid of the dark, so we ventured to the deepest pits of our own shadows and didn’t leave until the light of true love had brought that aspect of our lost selves back into rightful integration and coherence.” (Solarah)
“This Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is making the veil NON-EXISTENT. “ (Kay Moon)
“Most of the disclosure we see in movies has been given to us as a fantasy so that we don’t call it in or believe it is real.” (Honey Golden)
“Self love, I believe, entails repentance and confession, on a regular basis. And this is a big, steep mountain for most of us.” (Celia Farber)
“We need Soul-infused heart intelligence.”
“The higher self craves change, loves change, lives for change. The higher self sees the bigger picture and understands why things happen. The higher self make decisions from its heart and soul, not its ego.” (Guided by Angels)
“There are moments when you see very clearly because it is a truth that holds for eternity…Every injury loses its power and pain. Everything heals, and you can forgive.” (Astro.com)
“We are claiming back our body from the AI agenda. We are claiming back the resources and technologies from the evil ones who seek to do harm. In order to do that, we must overcome the fear and control programming that keeps us from fully expressing our own Light Body potential. We are Free Energy. We claim it back by becoming sovereign in our Field, no longer allowing our precious spiritual Wealth to be used to create their dark agendas. Miracles and magic abound, as we turn our Light On. Watch out World.” (Adrienne Elise)
“The worse thing to have is a closed mind!”
“The English language is nothing but voodoo.” (Jim Breuer)
“Secret societies are what runs everything.” (Roseanne Barr)
“It's a big club, and you ain't in it!" (George Carlin, 2005)
“It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” (George Carlin, 2005)
“It was necessary to ruin Christianity in order to effect a One World government. That fact is out front in their founding documents, and the men chosen to insinuate the ideas of One Worldism into the culture were, by the time they were in their 60’s, full-on practitioners of the Occult.”
“Nickelodeon: it wasn’t a studio, it was Neverland with craft services.” (Bill Maher)
Diddy tells the camera that “For the next 48 hours, [Justin Bieber’s] with me, at an undisclosed location. And we gonna go buck full crazy.” Bieber was only 14. Why would a powerful industry adult, who is not the parent of a child, and has never met this child before, and who wants to work with him professionally, be allowed to spend 48 hours alone with a child in an “undisclosed location” in order to “go buck full crazy”? Hearing and seeing this makes my heart sink. This is a child who was given away and trafficked.
Diddy and Bieber. Trauma bonds/programming are always Mkultra.
Why is every Hollywood and music industry’s kid conveniently trans or non-binary now? (And spoiled narcissists). Do you think it is by accident or by design?
“Nightmares on Trans Street.”
I cannot stand this man’s films. (Fucking trash degenerate. He loves to make movies about Toxic Feminines and pretend his female characters are “strong women.” Emma Stone getting fucked from every angle in Poor Things, a pedophiliac-Lolita fantasy, is supposed to be so “inspiring” to watch. It gets her an Oscar. Are we really still in the Last Tango/Brown Bunny stage??? Who is this shit for? I thought women were all MeToo victims?
Comment on Emma Stone’s statement that she pranced around naked on the set of Poor Things to get into character.
“Biden destroys women's rights in one huge move. Sex now equals gender.” (Redacted on Title IX)
“Our Civil War now is one for the narrative and maybe for reality itself.” (Sasha Stone)
“Those human masks were the beginning of a whole new generation of work that we did at the CIA…We discovered we could make a twin. We could make another you. There could be two of you. We could actually make five or six of you.” (*Former undercover CIA agent Joanna Mendez on the use of the human mask and disguise tech during the Cold War. Mendez belonged to the CIA’s Office of Technical Service. In 1990, she briefed President George Bush Sr., the former director of CIA and a Skull and Bones member, as someone else, and that was 34 years ago. Imagine what this disguise tech is today when we have AI, robotics, and biometrics technology. On the flip side, it also means we have every kind of possible healing and travel technology you can imagine. I write about mask technology and human masks a lot on my Daily. My life-long interest in and writing on faces has evolved into this area due to the loss of human faces (post-humanism/transhumanism). I love (I am being ironic) how Mendez says she was married to Tony Mendez, who was played by Ben Affleck in Argo, and that they conveniently “didn’t mention in the film” that “Tony, a CIA agent as well, had deep connections to Hollywood—the special effects people, the makeup people. Tony was chief of disguise. Proving, yet again, that another “conspiracy theory” is in fact TRUE. I have also written posts about CAA (Creative Artists Agency, the most powerful talent agency in the world that runs Hollywood) being a front for the CIA. For those that don’t believe that the CIA and FBI controlled everything and have plants, spies, and agents in every single industry, listen to Mendez’s Ted Talk and Yuri Bezmenov’s famous 1984 interview, on The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion, which I always refer to. Bezmenov was a former KBG agent who defected from the Soviet Union. Pfizer has also admitted that cloning is done and has been going on for decades.)
“Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army.” (Newsweek, May 17, 2021)
“Chief of Disguise and CIA’s the Spy Museum.” (I like how they make it real cute. So bizarre. As one person commented on the video: “Well, if they are showing us this now, 50+ years later, one has to wonder what they use at present!” What does this tell us about what we are looking at in our deep-fake world?! We are being told Hollywood and the deep state intelligence agencies are deeply connected, and that anything and anyone can be faked, replicated, and altered. Mendez’s mask technology is clearly outdated. We now have CGI and AI. So many celebrities and politicians look so weird—so completely different—now you know why. It’s not them. As I always say, Scooby Doo’s mask reveals was disclosure. Also, read the YT comments for this video.)
“I Challenged My AI Clone to Replace Me for 24 Hours.” (WSJ)
“Clones don’t have souls.” (Kab)
The Stepford Wives (1975)
“As the sun sets on the outdated regimes of control, manipulation, and secrecy, a new dawn breaks—a dawn where justice, driven by the technological and financial renaissance, restores balance and equity to a world wearied by inequality and strife. This is the revolution, cloaked not in secrecy but in glaring, undeniable truth. Stand by, as the old world order is dismantled brick by brick, and a new era of transparency, health, and prosperity takes its rightful place.” (Gazettteller)
Dear Wolfgang: Revisiting Sandy Hook (documentary)
Alex Jones interviews Pascal Najadi
“The false matrix encouraged the belittlement of many for the aggrandizing of a few. This is what our social enterprises and community anatomy reflected. Our willingness to cede our power for false acceptance and conditional inclusion, is what kept these toxic power dynamics alive….but, no more. This week will see many of us being activated higher in our truth as it pertains to how we move through group spaces and narratives. As we dig deeper into our ‘home frequency,’ we are calling in those beings, who we have been sent to love deeply as part of our soul’s purpose and destiny. And the beautiful thing is we need do nothing more than be who we are at full strength to call these beings back ‘home,’ as well as ourselves. So, bask in the radiance of your wholeness knowing that for some you will always be ‘too much,’ and for others you will not be ‘enough,’ but for the ones who are here to walk with you in elevation….you are an answer to a prayer and a dream realized.” (Solarah)
“Starseeds are seekers of profound Truth, and will strip each and every layer in all levels in everything to find it.” (VictoriaGoldLight)
“That’s the whole appeal of astrology. The promise that nothing is random, and that every cosmic event carries some sort of meaning, guiding us toward a higher understanding of ourselves and our path in life.” (Astrobutterfly)
“Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
“All limitation is an illusion.” (Soul Light)