(Note: I wrote this post a year ago. It’s a deep rabbit hole. A montage of articles, images, historical facts, gematria, and the cinematic and Saturnian occult symbolism that runs through film and television.)
On demonic gematria and the Saturnian matrix:
“Was Satan for once in his life telling the truth—are all the kingdoms his?”
-Archbishop Fulton Sheen
“Saturn is now putting back into order the things that were taken from us through lunar manipulation. And the moon is collaborating to assist Saturn. You’ve got to remember the planets were also fucked with. All of them. All of the matrix was created off of the exploitation of planetary magic…I think the moon has been used for evil purposes…If the moon acts like satellite, it’s because that’s what it was created to do…Saturnian energy and access was utilised malevolently, in the false matrix system, to bind us energetically and frequentially. This way, we did not have access to the cosmological intelligence we needed to rise and learn from our mistakes, therefore stagnating us in karmic cycles designed to bring about our own decay, destruction, and dysfunction. The matrix used this magic to make it near impossible for us to even discern that we were stuck in a loop.”
Astor Place, NYC, 1970s
Astor Place (named after the Astor family dynasty), the Black Cube of Saturn, and Chase Bank (JP Morgan) form an alchemical matrix.
“Emails between Jeffrey Epstein and former JPMorgan Chase executive Jes Staley have been revealed – including one in which the banking boss was asked if he ‘needed anything’.
The exchanges between Epstein and Mr Staley were filed on Wednesday by the government of the US Virgin Islands in its lawsuit claiming that JP Morgan facilitated Epstein’s sex trafficking ring by handling his payments to recruiters and victims. According to court documents, JPMorgan serviced approximately 55 Epstein accounts between 1998 and 2013 – years after the paedophile was first arrested in Florida for soliciting minors.
Mr Staley, then head of private bank at JPMorgan, exchanged more than 1,000 emails from his work account with Epstein between 2008 and 2012. The state argues in its most recent filing that at least one of those exchanges pertained to Epstein procuring young women to Mr Staley while the latter was visiting London.
In one of the emails, Epstein asked Mr Staley if he ‘needed anything’ while in England’s capital, to which Mr Staley allegedly answered yes. Mr Staley later responded ‘that was fun,’ and, ‘Say hi to Snow White,’ prosecutors said in the documents.
When Epstein asked, ‘[W]hat character would you like next?’, Mr Staley reportedly answered: ‘Beauty and the Beast.’ The Virgin Islands government alleges that the men used the names of Disney princesses as code for the women that Epstein trafficked — with Epstein also emailing Mr Staley ‘photos of young women in seductive poses.’
The date stamps on the emails allegedly matched Epstein’s payments to the same young woman from his JPMorgan account, the filing states.
Mr Staley, who has denied the allegations, also discussed visits to Epstein’s secluded private island Little St James in those emails.
In a 2009 email, Mr Staley reportedly told Epstein that Little St James was ‘an amazing place.’ At the time, Epstein was on home arrest for soliciting minors in Florida.
‘Presently, I’m in the hot tub with a glass of white wine,’ the email by Mr Staley allegedly read. ‘Next time, we’re here together. I owe you much. And I deeply appreciate our friendship. I have few so profound.’
The pair allegedly went on to meet in New York City, where Epstein was allowed to travel to meet with his legal team, Bloomberg reported.
Mr Staley’s name and several of his phone numbers appear in Epstein’s 92-page ‘black book’ of contacts, according to Vanity Fair. Mr Staley admitted that he continued his relationship with the disgraced financier for seven years after Epstein was convicted of procuring a child for prostitution in 2008.
Jes Staley, then head of private bank at JPMorgan, exchanged more than 1,000 emails from his work account with Epstein between 2008 and 2012 (EPA)
The former JP Morgan boss previously said his last contact with Epstein was in ‘middle to late’ 2015.
The Virgin Islands government is not suing Mr Staley, but claims that his employer at the time ‘profited handsomely from the hundreds of millions of dollars in assets in those accounts’. Elsewhere in the suit, prosecutors argue that JPMorgan did not meet federal requirements when it failed to file suspicious activity reports against Epstein with the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
Separately, victims of Epstein are also suing JPMorgan for Mr Staley’s alleged role in Epstein’s sex trafficking, according to Bloomberg.
JPMorgan has denied having knowledge of any misconduct by Epstein and Mr Staley, who stepped down from the company in 2013. The bank has also argued that it can’t be held liable for Mr Staley’s alleged awareness of Epstein’s crimes.
When reached out to by The Independent, the bank referred to its legal filing on 1 February.
‘ ... USVI had access at the time to the same information, allegations, and rumors about Epstein on which it alleges JPMC should have acted,” the statement read. “Indeed, as a law-enforcement agency, USVI had access to much more, along with the investigative advantage of physical proximity to Epstein’s crimes.’
Mr Staley became Barclays CEO in 2015 and resigned in 2021 after the company received the findings of a probe by UK financial regulators suggesting he played down his role in Epstein’s affairs while he ran JP Morgan’s private bank.
Jeffrey Epstein’s private Caribbean island, Little St James, part of the US Virgin Island (NBC News)
When news of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) investigation broke in February 2020, Mr Staley said that he “deeply regrets” his connection to Epstein.
‘It has been very well known I had a professional relationship with Jeffrey Epstein,’ Mr Staley told reporters, per Reuters. ‘It goes back to 2000 when I was asked to run the JP Morgan private bank and he was already a client when I joined the private bank.’
‘The relationship was maintained during my time at JP Morgan but as I left JP Morgan the relationship tapered off quite significantly. Obviously, I thought I knew him well and I didn’t. For sure, with hindsight with what we know now, I deeply regret having any relationship with Jeffrey.’
The Independent has reached out to Mr Staley’s attorney for comment.
Epstein, who once counted the likes of Prince Andrew and Bill Gates among his friends and associates, was found dead in a jail cell in 2019 while he was awaiting charges of sex-trafficking, allegations he denied. He had earlier served a year in jail after a plea deal in Florida over sex offences.
His partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, was convicted in 2021 of sex trafficking and conspiracy for helping him procure girls, and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
-Andrea Blanco, Feb 17, 2023
University of Illinois Springfield, floor marked with symbols, in the middle is a black cube
University of Illinois Springfield, pyramids, triangles, Vatican key, and cubes
Vatican key to the City, Rome
Aerial view of CAA (Creative Arts Agency) Century City Headquarters in Los Angeles, a front for the CIA. You can see the eye of Horus at the top.
Minorou Yamasaki’s The Twin Towers (1 and 2 World Trade Centers) were modern-day obelisks, but also twin monoliths. A dual symbol. of the post-industrial globalist economy. The single Freedom Tower is a blatant pyramid/triangle. Two pillars are now one—One World Trade Center. One World Government.
One stone.
It would seem, as Kubrick tells us in 2001, the black monolith is, as Hellraiser’s French poster tells us, a pact (le pacte). It is an initiation event. The early ape man (Moon-watcher), who becomes Dave Bowman (also a moon-watcher) becomes possessed by the black monolith’s alchemical energy, and by touching it makes a bargain with it. Secret powers are given in exchange for the future. The black monolith is the story of our false (Luciferian) world. The monolith raises hell. Weidner: “Kubrick is content to show us that the cost of this gift is our soul.”
Twin Towers
Freedom Tower (single tower) in the shape of a pyramid.
Rob Ager on the meaning of the monolith in 2001
Jay Weidner:
“The only story that Kubrick is concerned with [in 2001] is telling the story of the monolith…The monolith is, in a sense, the author of the film…Monolith comes from the Greek word “Mon” and ”lith.” Mon means “one” and “lith means “stone.” So the monolith is a direct reference to One Stone. This film, then, is about the One Stone. The single stone. And in this case, Kurbrick has made sure that the stone is black. In alchemy, all things that exist come from the black stone. Or the prima materia….This is the object that can change or transmute mankind, according to alchemical lore…Kubrick is actually telling us: that the monolith is the film, and conversely, the film is the monolith….It is interesting to note that Kubrick had originally planned for the planet in the film to be Saturn. But the special effects department could not make the rings look realistic enough. Kubrick then had to abandon Saturn for the easier to create Jupiter.”
In the symbolic representation of the Kabbalah, Saturn and the Sun are interchangeable.
In the original script by Arthur C. Clarke, a transhumanist, and Kubrick a Jew, “the space craft discovery,” explains Jay Weidner, “was headed towards the planet Saturn. Not Jupiter. As stated earlier, Kubrick was forced to switch to Jupiter because the rings of Saturn proved too difficult to create. The special effects department could not make them realistic enough. In the original script, the planet was Saturn. This is very important because in the Kabbalah, one can switch places between the Sun, or Tiphareth, and Saturn. In other words, Saturn can be used as a symbolic representation of the Sun. Is it a coincidence that the third chapter [of 2001], which was originally intended to be about a voyage to Saturn, is also about the third realm of the Kabbalah, Tiphareth?”
Evolutionary astrologer, Adrienne Elise, calls the black cube “a control energy of the False Saturn.” Another astrologer calls the black cube a synthetic technology.
The switch from Saturn to Jupiter is significant for many reasons. Jupiter, the planet of expansion (higher consciousness, travel) and Sagittarius (Bow-Man, the archer), is a benefic (prosperous, generous) cover for the malefic Saturn (Satan, restriction, control). Saturn also represents death. Death star.
Jupiter is also about long distance travel, which connects out to the galaxy. In 2001, it the space race. The space war. The space travel voyage. The space lie. Pagans associated God with Jupiter. However, in the minds of these pagans, man is destined to go beyond this assumed local deity, and conquer the stars.
Jupiter is known as father sky (Linda Good McGillis). Jupiter is also tied into Osiris, the eye of Horus, the “Eye of Re”
2001’s 3 minute monolith is also a black monolith. The pause at the shrine of the monolith.
If Saturn means Satan, or what astrologer Liz Greene termed The Old Devil in her 1976 book on Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil, then the collapse of top-down structures, beginning with Pluto’s 21-year transit in Aquarius (We the People), which has not happened since the 1789, then what this really means is we are overcoming the rule of the Devil.
Saturn as the old Devil. In the Tarot, it is also the Baphomet and the sign of Capricorn.
As Weidner points out, 2001, which is the real monolith, was designed to be an initiation ritual for the movie masses, an alchemical event of cinematic predictive programming. It is a black magic principle to admit what you are going to do by revealing it covertly through symbols.
But what does cinema initiate? What did it initiate us into? What world did it help birth? 2001 is one answer, Rosemary’s Baby is another. quote horror book on the film
“The monolith and the movie are the same thing. The monolith also represents cube of space or the container of creation and alchemy. The cube of space is the container that holds reality.”
Justin Deschamps, 2017:
“Saturn occult symbolism is symbolized by a black cube. Without many people ever knowing its sinister origin it can be seen all over the world and is used in the entertainments industry, religions and corporate logos…. as the saying goes, If you haven’t seen it then your eyes haven’t been opened. Heavily into the occult it has been said that the world’s ruling elite pay homage to and the worship of the Saturn cube….
If you want to get some idea of how advanced the technology is in this, then take a look at Norman Bergrun’s meticulous research ‘The Ringmakers of Saturn.’ A former aerospace and NASA research scientist described how the Voyager 1 flight to Saturn took photos revealing some 11,000 mile long cylindrical spaceships having an involvement in the making of Saturn’s rings.”
Cinema is refashioned as a cultural monolith of social engineering. Reality is projected onto the movie screen. 2001 initiates us into this new post-Vietnam pop culture reality. Weidner concludes that Kubrick “has proven himself to be the ultimate alchemist-artist of the late 20th century.”
If the monolith and the movie are the same thing is 2001 about evil or is it initiating evil?
Pam Gregory, astrologer:
“We will see an increasing momentum of people taking back their power, a gradual shift of power to the people and away from government top-down control with Pluto’s transit through Aquarius over the next 21 years. Aquarius represents freedom, equality and the people, and is very revolutionary energy…Again, in 1789, the people were rebelling against the massive inequality and abuse of power by their leader, the King, just as the ordinary people in France are today…Pluto astrologically represents power; since 2008 it has been in the sign of Capricorn, and this is linked to governments, big corporations and institutions that ‘hold power over us’. It is linked to a vertical structure in society, where we have wealthy powerful people at the top setting the rules of how society operates, and poor people at the bottom. This energy has strengthened since 2008, especially in the last three years, so inequality has grown….However with the shift of Pluto into Aquarius the power will gradually shift to the ordinary people…1789, saw the publishing of the US Bill of Rights which were additions to the US constitution. This gave specific guarantees of personal rights and freedoms to ordinary people, and limitations on government power. I’m sure you’d agree that democracy and individual freedoms have been severely restricted particularly over the last three years, but remember that we are re-entering this cycle of freedom now with Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius, not leaving it. Another aspect of Pluto beginning its move into Aquarius is that it will start to reveal any corruption and lack of integrity around science and technology.”
The vertical monolith becomes a pyramid without a capstone. The planetary alignment of the sun and moon form the disembodied all seeing eye. The monolith is now the Divine Eye of Providence.
The 13 levels that make up the pyramid represent the 13 family dynasties that control the world.
Masonic lodge, twin pillars, sun and moon
Cubed-Brick Productions. Kubrick's Odyssey Secrets Hidden In The Films Of Stanley Kubrick ( 2011)
Anagrams in Rosemary’s Baby, which like 2001, came out in 1968. Both films feature Starchilds/Antichrist themes.
via https://gematriaeffect.news/monolith/
HAL, the all-seeing monolith, looks exactly like the Twin Towers monoliths. HAL himself is a twin of the Niner-Triple-Zero computer. After the twin columns fell in New York City, the site became known as Ground Zero. HAL 9000. Apollo 11.
2001, 1968
The two ugly buildings—The Astor Place Tower and 51 Astor Place (The Death Star), built on the Astor Place Square about 8 or 9 years ago, are also multi-leveled variations on a glass cube. New York City’s new post-millennial architecture has increasingly become geometric and incoherent. New York now looks like one giant glistening Selfie. Its skyline no longer has any harmony. It’s My mother and I often joke that the Freemasons used stone and the Illuminati use glass to create disorientation. Reflective surfaces act like mirrors and decoys. Glass and mirrors symbolize fracturing, splitting, depersonalization, and dissociation by creating doubles and alters. The motif of mirrors and broken glass was frequently used in 1970s horrors movies to represent the splitting and fracturing of identity. In the movie Inception (2010), everyone is trapped inside of the cubic monoliths. The glass monoliths that fill New York and so many other cities today, create distracting surfaces that mirror back the fake reality outside in order to conceal what happens inside.
“The Death Star” (colloquial for this building) is also two black monoliths, one vertical, one. horizontal. It is also 3 separate black cubes stacked on top of each other.
Two cubes
London Embassy (from Netflix’s The Diplomat, 2013, EP.1)
“The U.S. Embassy London is centrally located in the Nine Elms district, a revitalized industrial neighborhood close to the center of London that was historically part of the royal Vauxhall Gardens. Overlooking the River Thames, the Embassy is deeply connected to its immediate neighborhood, the Borough of Wandsworth, Central London, the newly constructed linear park, and improved access to public transportation and the River Thames.
The U.S. government was one of the first institutions to buy into the visions for Nine Elms. The investment was a watershed moment in the area’s transformation, and provided an anchor for more businesses and jobs, bringing thousands of new neighbors to fuel economic revitalization. The Nine Elms site is closer to the United Kingdom’s major government offices and the Houses of Parliament that the previous Mayfair location.
The Embassy building, designed by Philadelphia-based architecture firm KieranTimberlake, is a translucent crystalline cube that gives form to core democratic values of transparency, openness, and equality. Its unique façade affords generous natural light throughout the interior and takes advantage of the site’s striking views.
The Embassy is a physical manifestation of the long-term commitment to the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom. Thousands of Embassy visitors benefit from a modern, secure and accessible facility that fully supports the most active and important bilateral relationships in the world.”
The Diplomat, walking into the crystalline/glass Louvre triangle/pyramid
Dark Knight, Dark Cube.
“Saturn Occult Symbolism and ‘The Black Cube’ — An Exploration of the Basis and Science of Spiritual Quarantine
“The following article details some of the popularized interpretations of the Saturn-Cube symbol and related associations to the “matrix” or spiritual imprisonment system that has kept the Earth cut off from the rest of the cosmos for eons. While there is much to support these assertions in the public record, there is more to this story that I want to offer for your consideration.
Since ancient times in occult symbolism Saturn (aka Satan the Christian devil, Set the Egyptian God of evil, or the Gnostic ‘Corrupted Demiurge…’ etc) has been known to represent negativity such as that found in limitations in space and time, conflict and death. Limitations in space and time, conflict and death are not the only comparisons that could be made between Saturn occult symbolism and the plot/storyline in the Cube movie: Saturn is symbolized by the cube.
The Saturn cube is derived from the planet’s North Pole called the ‘6 pointed star.’ The cube is a 3-dimensional representation of the 2-dimensional hexagonal North Pole 6 pointed star.
Research suggests that in essence we are trapped in space and time inside a cube by the Saturn matrix control system. Have the world’s ruling elite and their mysterious associates through the generations been playing us into servitude like a violin string using this extraordinary advanced technological Saturn matrix control system?
If you want to get some idea of how advanced the technology is in this then take a look at Norman Bergrun’s meticulous research ‘The Ringmakers of Saturn.’ A former aerospace and NASA research scientist described how the Voyager 1 flight to Saturn took photos revealing some 11,000 mile long cylindrical spaceships having an involvement in the making of Saturn’s rings…
Hellraiser, 1987. The puzzle box, the Lament Configuration.
Taylor Swift, The Eras tour, September, 2023. Key shape and black cube.
February, 2024
The Astor Place iCube is located on 8th street and Lafayette, it is 8 feet on each side, and it weighs 1,800 pounds and 820 kg.
Magenta Pixie
The Neon Demon (2016)
The Neon Demon
The Neon Demon
The Neon Demon
2001, eye of HAL
Fran Ocean, Pyramids music video, 2012. Pure illuminati symbolism
Frank Ocean. All-seeing one eye + pyramid.
“The OTO is based on Aleister Crowley’s Thelema – a philosophy that was “communicated” to him while inside an Egyptian pyramid. Like The Eye, the OTO primarily focuses on “real” magick and its near-scientific application. Crowley added the letter “k” at the end of magick to distinguish it from stage magic. Therefore, like The Eye, the OTO considers itself “keepers of real magic”. The symbol of the Eye of Horus is of the extreme importance for the OTO because the OTO is all about bringing about the Aeon of Horus – an era ruled by the Thelema. Is it surprising to see that, in this Aeon of Horus, mass media is literally flooded with the symbol of the Eye of Horus?”
The people form the shape (rim) of the eye around golden pupil
2001: A Space Odyssey
They weren’t honoring the people who died, they were doing a occultic ceremony to prepare the ground for the building of their New World Order. The disembodied Eye of Providence below, the singular pyramid above.
Tudor City, a former slaughterhouse district.
Like Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, on March 12, 2024, the BBC reported: “Mysterious monolith appears on Welsh hilltop.” Who put it there, how, and why?