Useful quotes, terms, and links:
“Eclipses are judgement over a nation.” (Dr. Scott Young)
“We were born into a false reality. We were born into a matrix. It’s not a simple matter of undoing that.” (Patriot Underground)
“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” (Edward Snowden)
“We have a government that uses language to weaponize the masses…And unfortunately, I believe the majority of Americans are not acting out of the spirit of goodness, but rather out of the spirit of cowardliness and naivety…A good person isn’t a coward…I'll finish with my favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quote. And I hope my fellow Americans ponder this. He once said, 'the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.” (Chicago resident speech)
“What has been withheld from humanity for centuries is now seeing the light of day.” (iluminarya)
“The more educated you are, the more brainwashed you are...We are going to have so much discloure but we have to be open to it.” (George Lewis)
"For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out in the open." (Mark 4:22)
“PSY OP—a form of mental battery. Insatiable entity, must be fed, fed, fed.” (Celia Farber)
“For those of you who understand that we are under a military occupation that is utilizing epic pyschological warfare tractics and staged scenarios to achieve its final objective, you will certainly appreciate this latest episode of "The Movie" --brought to us by White Hat Productions. For those who still cannot (or will not) see it, that's OK too, because if everyone could, then the secret operation would begin to unravel as too many people notice it.” (Mike King)
Blown up from inside (Richard Gage, 30-year architect, member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and former CEO Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth).
“HUMANS ARE FASCINATING TO WATCH, as you go about playing out your dramatic conclusions. We learn so much from your eagerness to engage in the plot twists along your path. And now, as with all theatre, the final curtain descends, allowing the actors to become who they truly are.” (iluminarya)
“I just want to go as myself.” (Amanda Bynes)
“A small rural North Carolina company (that works with the military) can transform any object, including a person, as they do in Hollywood, a ‘silicon face appliance’ sculpted to perfectly alter someone's looks. They can age, change gender, and "increase body mass." ..... Special operations undercover operatives wear signature reduction masks to match false identification.” (Newsweek, 2021) (*Note: This is why I keep stating the highly transformed celebrities and politicians we see are not the originals anymore. They look different because they are different. Plastic surgery is a cover for that. It makes it impossible to know who is really who. Cloning, masks, CGI, AI, and doubles operate under the cover of ‘plastic surgery.’)
If the military has this, so does Hollywood and government, which are one and the same.
The terrible puddle-necks, as I call them, always give it away. Look how smooth and fake the faces look. Similar to the mask-faces of the Kardashians. The texture and color of these puddle-necks, the result of these silicone masks, does not match the faces.
New Year’s Eve 2024. As I have written, these two are not the real Bidens. They look nothing like the Biden we saw throughout 2023, who was also not the real Biden and looks nothing like the Biden of the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. Look at Jill’s neck and the way the face literally does not match or fit. The chest and face are smooth. Same with Kamala Harris, whose face is tight and neck is a puddle. If she can afford a facelift, why not do a neck lift? Jill’s neck in the New Year’s Eve video is not the neck we see on the cover of Vogue. So which Jill/neck is real?
Two-faced, literally
Excerpt from Newsweek article
Forum on Mkultra and masks
“The ears also give it away. “It’s obviously a different person. The question is, who is puppeteering the current version?” (Mark Attwood)
“What does the widespread unsealing of indictments look like?” (News Treason Media)
“Look at all the names. Look at all the industries.” (News Treason Media)
“Everything seems to overlap here” (Mind Shock)
“The forgetting matrix.” (Illuminate with Luma)
“Multi-generational psyops.” (Dr. Bryan Ardis)
“Most people have more fun with the Devil than with God.” (Donnell Rawlings)
“All narcissists sell their mental disorder as empathy. Just as cowards sell their behavior as being nice.” (YouTube comment)
“Zombie buildings. There are more dormant office towers in the United States than at any point since 1979, according to a new report from Moody's Analytics, which began tracking office leasing vacancies that year.”
“Forget Pro-Israel, Pro-Palestine: Have You Felt Guilty For Opposing A Force You Could Not Name? You Were Right: It’s AI.” (Celia Farber)
“Why did the medical establishment push the Covid vax on the world even when they knew it didn’t work? Dr. Michael Nehls says it wasn’t about money. It was about conquering the human mind.” (Tucker Carlson/Dr. Michael Nehls)
“The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO (world Health Organization) to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.” (Masayasu Inoue, MD, PhD)
Via News Treason Media
“Nickelodeon President Geraldine Laybourne was on Jeffrey Epstein's Flight Logs. She also became the President of Disney-ABC in 1996. Her husband accompanying her on Epstein's plabe - Kit Laybourne - Worked for Nickelodeon, MTV, Children's Television Workshop & Nick Junior. Both of them are on the board of KinderCare Learning Centers and DAYCARE for children - 539 centers across 37 states. KinderCare received a 65-million-dollar startup loan from Jeffrey Epstein's financier Leon Black's private Real Estate Firm through Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase.” (vDarkness Falls)
Quiet on Set (2024)
The celebrity cabal is being taken down. (Note: Kill many birds—Jlo, J Z, Beyonce., etc—with one P. Diddy stone. I have been waiting for this for many years. Celebrity culture is thug-mafia culture. Criminal culture. We are now finally in a cosmic shift for truth and justice. How does a sting operation work? Catch one. Get information, catch who's above them. Repeat. We are watching a controlled demolition.)
“Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.YOU MUST SHOW THEM.ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]? Difficult truths.” (Q post 4908)
“The war on children started with Alfred Kinsey" (Robby Starbuck)
“You’ve been lied to and living in the Upside Down.” (Liz Crokin)
Per Crokin’s tweet, here is my 2022 film about Michael Jackson (I did all the sound mixing as well, and used all found video footage. The film is an exploration of mind control, dissociation, mask technology, and the occult symbolism used in the music industry.)
“A different version of female insecurity.” Beyonce is the worst and always has been. Female resilience vs Toxic Feminine Feminism
For those of you who still think New York City is the same and still a great place to live, and any criticism of it is some racist right-wing conspiracy, here you go. I live here and I have experiencing what this woman is talking about as well since COVID. For the first time in my life, I don’t feel safe riding the subway, which I have been doing since I was a baby, and on my own since I was 12. I have had numerous experiences now that were disturbing and one random guy spit in my face on the street and was punching other people in the back. It’s not just a “crime against tax paying civilians” and their right to peace and safety, it is treason on the part of the government to have an open border. If you don’t care about the infrastructure, public safety, functionality, and sanity of your own City, stop praising it culturally. There is no culture without order, fairness, and civility. There is no culture when the cost of living is prohibitive and the infrastructure is crumbling. Given how much it costs to live in NYC now, to eat here, to do anything here, the standards should be higher for our City, not lower. Rent isn’t $200 anymore for a loft, so stop pretending it’s the 1970s all over again and chaos is synonymous with “creativity.” Everything is bought and sold, and real artists/talent is virtually extinct now. Everyone’s mind has been mediatized and corporatized. As I always say, NYC is a rich ghetto. It costs a lot of money to live in a shit hole. As one person noted on YT: “NYC became a glorified shopping mall a long time ago. Besides luxury, and the rich living in their bubbles, the organic culture of NYC has been drained. Covid took the last of it.” The weed dispensaries on very block now also make me crazy. People smoking huge blunts at 11 am in the park. They want everybody to be dysfunctional zombies.
“Are there still New Yorkers who expect this city to take steps to protect them?” (Celia Farber)
The beginning of economic justice for all
“We’ve already won this war.” (Harry the Soul Coach)
“And it’s this: the AI problem is not about anything out there in the world. It’s about how living in an AI environment shapes consciousness. The problem is that in a world of deep fakes and faking, we begin to believe that everything might be fake, and further, that we are being conditioned to think that we ourselves are fake, that the world we live in is a simulation, and ultimately that nothing is real…The technology environment is not the output or the content; it’s the ‘hardware’ environment, and living our lives within software, that envelops us and follows us everywhere. The way that the technology environment shapes consciousness is the most important spiritual issue of our time, because (in the words of A Course in Miracles), ‘Every decision you make stems from what you think you are.’ So in a make-believe world, we will be inclined to make decisions as if we are pretend people…The clutching of pearls associated with the digital environment is all about stuff “out there” and not what is happening “in here” — within a person. And given how pervasive digital technology is, and how fast it hit society, that is a very significant consideration. If we were to admit we were shaped at all by these things, it would be a short step to admitting we are shaped entirely. This is not merely a subtopic of “media studies.” We are so enveloped by media that it’s really a branch of holistic studies or existence itself. There is now no event you see described the media that should be exempt from close examination as to its reality. This is very difficult. Who has time? Who cares enough? Who does not have an agenda?…The meaning of your life is your business. Your sense of your own relevance and your potential for involvement is a deeply private matter. Matters of the world are deeply important now. But how you guide your own trajectory through existence is far more relevant to you, whether you are trying to survive, live happily, or take part in the affairs of the world. You must guide yourself or you’re of no use to anyone else. You cannot serve others or serve society unless you are in contact with your own needs, your own questions and your own inner truth. Narcissism is not about taking personal responsibility for your own affairs. It’s about thinking everyone else has no value other than to be in your personal TV show. Many forces are trying to drag you out of yourself. Vast swaths of sensory input have been swallowed by the overwhelming and deeply involving nature of digital technology. It’s never been more difficult to find your way — and never more important to do so…Humans are still way too inclined to surrender our minds to the cults of personality, to fear and greed, and to supporting or even loving aggression. This helps [us, them or whoever] to avoid the deep and difficult work of self-discovery, healing and reconciliation. The situation surely seems hopeless. Yet we must begin, or continue, in earnest — even at this late hour. Eventually we will need to find others who can assist us in some way, and a means of determining whether they are sincere. To do that, you must be sincere: honest with yourself, real with others, and willing to risk intimacy.” (Planet Waves)
The beautiful Roman God, Mercury. Mercury retrograde in Aries started on April 1 and ends on April 25.
Some post April 8th Total Solar eclipse excerpts:
“Eclipses are traditionally said to bring about fated events, and today feels like a day where foreshadowing of said possibilities is high. You may find yourself running into people you haven’t seen or thought of in a while, or even thinking or dreaming about them. There is a mending of timelines that is occurring - an opportunity to rewrite stories which had premature endings, especially due to spellwork and the timeline fuckery and quantum entanglement schemes of the matrix. We are creating new base frequencies that will be the foundation upon which our tables are set for the next cycle. As such, there are decisions that have to be made concerning who we will invite to our banquet, who must be removed from the guest list, and who needs to be seated far away from you in the festivities.” (Solarah Speaks)
“Sometimes you have to allow for things to fall apart in order to wade through the wreckage and connect with what is truly worthy, as opposed to saving everything that appears to be salvageable and comfortable. The Devine Mother and the dark feminine teach us how to become comfortable with this process of putting to death what must end, in order for something new and beautiful and truly fulfilling to rise in its place. The Devine Mother beckons us to become so comfortable with being who we are unabashedly, that we volunteer to put an end to everything and anything that takes us out of harmony and alignment with our real self…The false matrix had us obsessed with retention, but the true Earth is helping us to reprioritise alignment. You are not for everyone, and trying to be, only opens the doors to self-rejection, self-betrayal, and suffering. This was one of the main purposes of social media—to cause us further re-traumatisation by way of comparison, striving, and rejection. This was accomplished both by self, and the ever ubiquitous popularity contests fuelled by the algorithm, follower, and likes system. The false matrix taught us to constantly sacrifice ourselves for approval, acceptance, and promotion.” (Solarah Speaks)
“With Venus conjunct Neptune, love overcomes all argument, the Heart rules the day.” (Kelley Hunter)
“What a day! Today, on April 3rd, Venus is conjunct Neptune in Pisces ♓️ the Sun is one degree away from its conjunction with Rahu/the North Node in Aries ♈️ as I write this the Moon is conjunct Pluto in Aquarius ♒️ (at around 2pm CEST) and Jupiter is now within 3 degrees of its ongoing conjunction with Uranus in Taurus ♉️ All of these are new cycles being seeded, and we are well within the range of the Solar Eclipse at the new lunar cycle in Aries ♈️ next Monday!. If ever there was a time for powerful and lasting change this is it.” (Susan Hopkinson)
“APRIL 2024 ASCENSION ENERGIES The Month of April is the most intense energetic month of 2024. It's the Energy of Rebirth and the opening of a New Energetic Cycle. The Retrograde-Free Energetic Portal is closing, as Mercury starts its Backward Dance through Aries on April 1st…” (Victoria Gold Light)
To look or not to look at the Total Solar Eclipse? Sun gazing at sunrise and sunset is a very powerful daily therapy. They have been telling us to avoid the sun and drench ourselves in sunblock for decades. Read the Twitter thread for reflection.
“Monday afternoon, the Moon will pass directly under the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth. There are many kinds of solar eclipses; total solar eclipses are somewhat rare. Monday is distinctive because the shadow will be cast across the United States. For about four minutes, day will turn to night.” (Planet Waves)
"We're moving into a time when you're not gonna know whose got what." (D. Northrup)
”Why do Supernova souls, those with abundant light within, feel like they don’t deserve to enjoy their own energy? This is our task. Why have you been in relationships your whole life where everyone is trying to suck on you and take your energy, and why do you feel like you are only valuable and lovable if you give your energy away to everyone? We need to learn to enjoy and rest in our own energy, not in giving our energy to everyone else.” (Adrienne Elise)
“Course correcting is one of the most fundamental and important spiritual tools we have.” (Spiritual Journey Path)
“Our false self structures are crumbling.” (Illuminate with Luma)
“During this Mercury retrograde in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries, we’re in the wound. We’re going on a journey into the wound in order to be free of all trauma programming. All woundedness.” (Adrienne Elise)
“We cannot grow if we are untouchable.” (The Birth of Venus Tarot)