
“If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.”

-Thomas Sowell

What’s another term for the CIA’s Mocking Bird Media Operation (funded with laundered USAID money)? Fake News. Trump was seeding the narrative for what is now being exposed with USAID and the corrupt deep state media apparatus a long time ago, in 2016. He was trying to get people’s attention by using this “catchy” and much derided term. You thought he was the enemy (and so did I) instead of the government, legacy media, and the secret intelligence agencies, which are all one and the same. What does this say about us?

The following text is from my new book, ACTING, the second volume of Time Tells. I wrote this between 2022-2024:

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has researched CIA Mkultra training manuals extensively, paying over $1000 to get them, has stated that Mkultra techniques (many which were developed in colleges by social scientists, literally making colleges breeding grounds for mind control), is “more insidious today because of the technologies of control. Back then, you had really terrible people running the CIA…people who were genuinely murderous and felt like there were no controls on their behavior…After 1975, when it all came out, during the Church Committee Hearings, the CIA promised that it would no longer compromise American journalism [with Operation Mockingbird], the program continued to compromise journalists all over the world. And today the CIA is the biggest funder of journalism in the world…There’s a provision of the CIA charter that says the CIA cannot propagandize the American people—president Obama adopted, through an executive order in 2016, that essentially reopened the door for Operation Mockingbird. So that the CIA began, once again, to propagandize American people.” In an interview with James O’Keefe, RFK. Jr. names Noah Schlackman, who runs Rolling Stone magazine, and came from Daily Beast, which was run by John Avalon, who, RFK Jr. says, “has deep ties to intelligence agencies.”  RFK Jr. states that journals like the Smithsonian, National Geographic, Nature, “appear to be compromised by the CIA…We know from the Twitter Files that both the CIA and FBI were operating portals within Twitter and Facebook that allowed them to manipulate information and to de-platform people, and to silence certain people that they didn’t like…The high-level people at these journals were working for the agency or had signed secrecy agreements with the CIA.” In a 1967 Special CBS News, “In the Pay of the CIA: An American Dilemma,” Mike Wallace stated, “In truth, since its beginning, the CIA has suffered from a personality split. For, in addition to intelligence, The Security Act of 1947 ordered CIA to perform other functions and duties, as directed by the president and his National Security Council. And that phrase has become a sort of blank check, authorizing CIA excursions into everything from simple propaganda to the overthrow of unfriendly governments. The key to CIA’s current troubles is that unique American institution: the tax-free foundation.” Describing/diagnosing the CIA as suffering from a personality split is an interesting choice on Wallace’s (or whoever actually wrote the segment) given what the CIA induces through trauma-based mind-control, which is a personality split—a fractured self.

Operation Mockingbird was originally a Cold War program, where the CIA recruited about 400 journalists at the top legacy institutions. As film critic and YouTuber Jay Dyer explains, “The CIA was really focusing on the culture war in the 1960s. In the Cold War, the idea was that we will combat Sovietism with total liberation, in all ways. So women liberated from the home, from having children. Guys liberated from the responsibilities of raising children, being playboys. That was the 1960s model of social engineering. All that was funded by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and adjacent to that, was Mockingbird, which again, was the recruitment of all these journalists, not just in the US, it was all the top media publications in the US, but also foreign countries. So they were really able to ensconce their control over the media. In a 1991 Bilderberg speech, David Rockefeller, a major news media funder, admitted to conspiring with the criminal mainstream media to ensure his plans for a one-world government: ‘We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”  

In post #1728, July 27, 2018, Q states that the mainstream media is “The biggest threat to the American people!” In On Q, Martin Geddes explains, “#FakeNews doesn’t really begin to convey what’s being said here: the mainstream media has become a ‘mafia media.’ There is plenty of historical evidence available to back this assertion up, notably and famously the CIA’s Project Mockingbird. Q points to a number of Congressional documents containing information about how the CIA (a rogue ‘deep state’ intelligence agency) infiltrated the media after WW2.” 

In an August 23, 2023, “Debate Night” interview, Ep. 19, with political commentator  Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump termed the Mockingbird Media, “Corrupt News,” an upgrade from his 2016 coinage, “Fake News” and “Fake News is the enemy of the people.” On June 25, 2022, Breitbart.com reported that Donald Trump had changed “Fake News” to “Corrupt News.” In On Q, Martin Geddes writes that “The ‘#FakeNews hypothesis’ runs thus: the mass media is controlled, coordinated, and corrupt, what with it being run by a crooked Power Elite. It is a ‘mafia media’ being used to cover for organized criminality by a longstanding gangster government. The mainstream media (MSM) uses gaslighting, propaganda, and mind control techniques to socially engineer public opinion. The #QAnon phenomenon is helping to prepare and guide a brainwashed population towards a difficult reality.” Likewise, Biblical scholar and financial analyst, Bo Polny, calls the mainstream news a “script” and stated that Covid-19 ushered in “a new era of time.” Julian Assange, of Wikileaks, stated: “A nation can’t solve what the press won’t let it perceive.” Along these same lines, former CIA Director William Casey famously said, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Tucker Carlson, who openly admits to applying to the CIA in college in 1991, and who has family ties to the CIA, told Adam Corolla in an August 30, 2023 interview that the mainstream media is essentially controlled by the CIA: “The CIA is a totally illegitimate criminal organization, unless it is following precisely the orders of the elected president…The intel agencies have a big effect on what is broadcast on television and what you see on Facebook and Google as well. They’re all up and down Facebook and Google. There are a lot of anchors…at different networks, who are just a mouthpiece for the Pentagon and CIA, and are knowingly telling lies on their behalf. It is very, very common. Very common. And I can think of a number of people at CNN, who I know for a fact, are doing that exact thing. They’re reading government propaganda from the intel agencies knowingly…I’m just telling you the bottom line, I know that is true. I’m not speculating at all. And in particular on the National Security stuff…Wikipedia is itself curated very precisely by the intel agencies, the US government, by liars in order to distort history.”

In On Q, Martin Geddes confirms Carlson’s claim: “Q has even presented a list of compromised journalists who face jail for racketeering. The ‘deep state’ securely sends daily talking points to their media assets at 4 a.m., with closely coordinated stories resulting. Criminals who occupy anchor positions on the daily news are hardly going to offer objective coverage of those seeking transparency and truth…Decades of media brainwashing and social conditioning have led much of the public to mistrust their own judgement, and to disbelieve the evidence of their own eyes and ears. The weaponization of mass media against the very citizens it was meant to protect creates deep social division and mutual distrust.”

Comedian and podcaster Roseanne Barr also confirms Carlson’s statement. In 1996, Barr appeared on CNN and told Larry King that Hollywood is: “A big culture of Mind Control. MKultra Mind Control rule in Hollywood.” Musician Frank Zappa stated: “Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.” Podcaster Mel K, who worked in Hollywood for 20 years, told economic analyst, Tom Luongo, a similar story: “This all started way before the people saw it. Around 2003, this covert agenda started to sprout wings and became very overt…It just became an operation.” K also spoke openly about the role of Creative Artists Agency (CAA), the major Hollywood talent agency, which conspired to organize the MeToo (Alyssa Milano, an active figure early on in the MeToo movement, is married to CAA agent David Bugliari)—as well as the Clinton/Lewinsky sex scandal—movement as a cover for the child trafficking and pedophilia that is rampant in the music industry, mainstream new media, D.C., and Hollywood. “Who are part of the pimp problem? CAA,” stated actress and MeToo advocate Rose McGowan in Enjoy the Show. In an October 2023 episode of The Pulse with FCB and Dave, podcast, Dave of News Treason Media, stated that the legendary CAA is in fact a cover for the CIA. The documentary, Enjoy the Show (2022) presents a lot of video evidence that CAA was actually involved in the January 6th Capital Riot. In the film, Tore Says declares, “You need to understand your psychology has been hacked, like a computer. The agencies have done cultural infiltration of entertainment, news, and media in the United States of America…These are weapons of war.”

In a 2021 interview, author and filmmaker of Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA War On Musicians And Activists (2018), John Potash stated, “Mainstream media and even purported alternative media have become massively controlled, either by multinational corporations or massive foundations backed by the America’s wealthiest families. All of my work includes sections on this topic. I give examples that include the fact that Cal-Berkeley School of Journalism Dean Ben Bagdikian wrote the book, The Media Monopoly, exposing how virtually all of mainstream media has interlocking boards of directors with the top multinational corporations. He also said that by corporate law, the media company is not supposed to act in ways that hurt the profit of the interlocked corporation. Thus, the conflict with defense contracting companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc. Senator Bernie Sanders held a press conference repeating Bagdikian’s work, citing how over six multinational corporations control over 90% of our information as of 2012. The U.S. Senate Church Committee had also published in their report how well over 400 members of the media lived dual lives in their work for the CIA. These included virtually all the owners of top media companies. Watergate muckraker Carl Bernstein published a seminal Rolling Stone article about this titled, ‘The CIA and the Media.” As independent journalist Glenn Greenwald told Megyn Kelly on January 29, 2024: “Most Americans are not political junkies, they're not spending all their time focused on politics. But the corruption of the media has become so glaring, that you don’t even need to spend that much time looking at it, people just notice these things, they observe these things. And the hatred that the media has earned, I think is just that: very well earned because of this kind of behavior.

In 2012, buried in an omnibus spending bill, president Barack Obama, along with many members of congress at the time, reversed the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 1948, a long-standing piece of legislation that stated that the United States government could not use propaganda against its own citizens. In total alliance with the United Nations, the Obama administration nullified the Smith-Mundt Act. Since then, we have seen a sharp rise in government interference, media control, and the now-confirmed suppression of information and facts on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter during the presidential elections and the so-called COVID “pandemic.” (As Quite Frankly noted, “They laugh, they demean, they deny.”). By reversing the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, Obama’s administration allowed the media to institutionalize fake news narratives and deceptive cultural programing. While the bill was met with some resistance, it became public law on January 2, 2013. Since this date, using propaganda against the American people has been authorized, and rampant. Just as the smartphone is a mind control device (many truthers have noted that Blackberry phones were done away with because they were outside of the Darpa-regime), as an organ of mass propaganda, Hollywood was designed precisely to manage perception using the disinformation of what I call false entertainment. The Conspiracist Manifesto (2023) states that: “Mkultra is an entire ecology…In total, at the beginning of the 1960s, between a third of the PhDs not financed by the large American foundations—Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie—would be secretly financed by the CIA, while those foundations never had any qualms, to say the least, about collaborating with the agency.”

In a 1984 interview with ex-KGB agent turned CIA informant, Yuri Bezmenov explains "The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion" (Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization), a deliberate Soviet attempt at infiltration and subversion. Bezmenov also depicts a culture of intellectual dishonesty and censorship, a dishonesty that is rampant amongst my peers and colleagues today, who say nothing about the tyranny that around us. Bezmenov explains the way these kinds of systems of collective tyranny and corruption inherently result in split personalities and duplicity. The one good thing about today's intellectual dishonesty and immorality is that I no longer have any desire to be part of it. And I finally understand why they don't want me to be either—they never have. I have never been recruitable and that has always been my great sin. The reason the COVID-regime worked so well was because people did not want to be free, they wanted power. They became what Bezemenov succinctly refers to as "a bunch of political prostitutes." On the exploitation of foreign diplomats and intellectuals in the 1960s and 70s, Bezemenov, states: "Most of them pretended that they didn't understand that we were working on behalf of the Soviet government and the KGB. They pretended they were guests, VIP intellectuals; treated according to their merits and intellectual abilities. For us, they were just a bunch of political prostitutes to be taken advantage of for various propaganda operations; anticipating another ideological victim of brainwashing." Today's American artists and intellectuals have been similarly weaponized. Neutered and bought off. 

Sound familiar?

And now, for 2025:

Article here.

Masha Tupitsyn

I explore film from a deep politics perspective. My DAILY blog offers multi-media posts & screen shot criticism about film, media, culture, literature, philosophy, deep politics, the deep state, COVID, Mkultra, crimes and criminals, the false matrix, free speech, sense-making, the trials of spiritual and emotional autonomy, truth seeker, faith, and love. My daily blog features useful media references, sites, and links.



