On Big-pharma and psychiatry as corporate witchcraft/sorcery.
“The tip of the sword of tyranny is a syringe…Modern medicine is the religion…There’s nothing like the ritual of a vaccine. Christians can’t even come close to it. Communion’s pretty close, but it’s nothing like being injected. I mean, ‘Whoo’. It’s the baptism of the masses.”
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Modern medicine is also at the center of transhumanism and the so called “beauty” industry. In my new book ACTING, I equate the religious worship of Botox and injectables to the addiction to syringe-tyranny and the total perversion of real beauty and youth. What is in the “spell-giving potion” of injectables, we still don’t fully know. What are the actual side-effects, we still don’t fully know. What happens to our faces over time when we use these concoctions, we still don’t know. What will we look like in the end after years of these injectables, we don’t know, but it doesn’t look good. Like the experimental MRNa (gene based) “vaccines” during COVID, our faces are experimented on, played with, and in the end ruined (and also quarantined in medical masks that ironically covered up cosmetic procedures). To continue to refer to this ruin and corruption as “beautiful” and “life-saving” is evil.
I love that Northrup calls Washington D.C. “Demon City.”
Note: this is the documentary (Splintering Babylon) that Northrup mentions at the end of the interview, if you want to watch that as well.