Duane & Greenwich, NYC
Useful terms, quotes, and links:
“What do you do with a sleeping country?” (New Treason Media)
“We were born into a war, we just didn’t know it until now.” (Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi)
”Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” (Tolstoy)
“Automatic social conformity.” (YouTube comment)
“Artificial intelligence ultimately continues the same.” (Byung-Chul Han).
“Low-information voters.” (Sasha Stone)
“Fuckin’ journey.” (Tires, 2024)
“Rights come with responsibilities.” (Mark Abraham)
“The LGBTQ/Pharma alliance.” (Celia Farber)
“T-virus.”(Nex wex)
“Vocal-fry feminism” (YouTube)
“Vulture capitalism.”
“Enemy class.” (Michael Malice)
“Monarch Media Abuse.” (Celia Farber)
“Celebritarian.” (Kristen Meghan Kelly)
“Disney-Adults.” (Tim Dillion) (Note: Dillion raises a lot of great points in the linked interview about LA that I always make about NYC. The point he makes about people today not being interested in having any social standards enforced or upheld is so true. It’s been one of my biggest gripes for years, and it applies to everything. Dillion also makes the great point about how unlike the real world, the world on the internet is well-maintained, organized, and policed. And that the more the real world becomes unlivable, the more people flock into a dependence on and habitation of the digital world. He argues this is a form of controlled demolition that is purposely done to degrade and erode everyone’s standards of living. NYC is a City of total decay, and yet there are so many corrupt foreign-natural oligarchs and rich kids who treat this NYC like a playground to party and shop in every day of the week. Meanwhile, all the infrastructure and quality of living is rapidly deteriorating while simultaneously increasing in cost/inflation. How does one live in such a mess or distortion and duality without going numb and/or crazy? The interview also features a great discussion about the fallout of the immigration/border crisis in the US and abroad. This is of course all to do with the propaganda of “tolerance,” which blurs all the lines of injustice and depravity.)
“Survival-mode programming.” (Solarah)
“The NPC doesn't actually possess a Soul, just programing.” (YouTube comment)
“All actors are great kissers.” (Jessica Raine)
“Entrapment is this society’s sole activity.” (Ed Dorn)
“Radical gender ideology involving kids is not just grooming, it’s entrapment.” (Bill Maher). (Note: It also promotes dissociative disorder, which is the goal of Mk-culture/Monarch programming.)
“The Leftist media establishment will make you feel guilty and intolerant for not going along with every single absurd, degrading ideology and idea they push.” (News Treason Media)
“People are going around committing crimes and looting now because in their mind there is no government.” (Tim Pool)
“The mafia/cabal doesn’t just wake up one day and forget how to do their crimes in secret.” (News Treason Media)
“You can’t be a progressive and comedian.” (Jake Barr and Roseanne Barr)
“We don’t read books anymore, we scroll—at best.” (Bill Maher on the social media generation)
“When I was growing up in the 1970s and 1980s, we didn’t have children’s programming, we had The Pope of Greenwich Village on TV.” (Jamie Kennedy) (Note: This is so true and so funny.)
“We’ve moved away from ideas of the divine.” (Richard the Fourth)
“Idea laundering is a trick that makes people confused about the origins of their feelings and thoughts.” (Bret Carollo)
“The magnet moves underneath the pattern, the pattern of American life.” (George Trow)
“I'm waiting to enter the dating pool after the covid jabs do their things to society. I'll date the last man standing who's un-jabbed.” (YouTube comment)
“Beings who are triggered by other people’s power are closed off from being able to receive an activation.” (Solarah)
“We were definitely hypnotized in the past, yet things also seemed a lot more fun.” (YouTube comment) (Note: I think about this all the time! How totally clueless we all were, and yet life-relationships and every day life—were so much richer and more enjoyable in many ways.)
“The false matrix was rooted upon templates designed to destroy Mothers and the true concept of devine motherhood. The architects of this simulation knew that the destruction of mothers and the abject distortion of the sacredness of their call, would secure and lock into place generational trauma cycles, that would then contribute to the collective chaos needed to keep all beings trapped in lower emotional states and existences.” (Solarah)
“Despise all women, but your mother most of all!.” (Patrick Melrose, 2018)
“Evil does not like the Divine Feminine. That’s why they love reversals.” (Laura’s View and Tarot Too)
“You should be careful how you name things. Pride is not a virtue. There is a real sexual narcissism about the whole Pride spectacle…Pretty much all of it is a lie. What exactly are you celebrating here?” (Jordan Peterson)
“The only reason Democrats have gotten away with their sudden lurch to authoritarian madness is because of the fast-changing media narrative that turns the page almost daily. None of this should be even remotely acceptable to any American, and yet, since so many go along with it, including the legacy press, there are no checks on their power. How our information is meted out is whatever it takes to get what they want. What will really condemn them when students of history look back is the unanswerable question of what Trump did to deserve upending the entire country to stop him from winning an election.” (Sasha Stone)
“You know a political party is in trouble when punishing child predators is taboo.” (“Safe spaces” for infantile adults, who can’t deal with feeling uncomfortable for five seconds, but zero safety for an actual child from sexual predators.)
A useful “study” to destroy the value of fatherhood and the traditional family/relationships. Get rid of fathers. Get rid of the Divine Masculine.
“There was never any chance this Show Trial would not find Trump guilty. But what a true low point in this country’s history. He will appeal. Trump 2024.” (Sasha Stone)
”If you want to know what’s really going, read the comments on Twitter and YouTube.” (News Treason Media update on current events.)
“U.S. House Passes Bill Banning Federal Reserve From Issuing a CBDC.” (This is HUGE news. I’ve been worried about this four 4 years. CBDC is one of the greatest threats to democracy, freedom, and personal sovereignty)
“Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 exposed.” (PBD) (*Note: I have been awaiting these long-suppressed 6000 patents/cures for a long time. All free energy already exists and is coming, along with many revolutionary healing technologies.)
“Court documents reveal that Ashley Biden has confirmed that the diary is real.”
“Even though they complain about Mcarthyism, Hollywood is the biggest practionior of Macarthyism in real time.” (Adam Corolla) (Note: A good breakdown of post-Covid Hollywood.)
“Here’s Paula Jones publicly getting paid off from Bill Clinton proudly displaying her check.”
And: “(1998) President Bill Clinton Agrees to Pay Paula Jones $850,000 to Drop Her Sexual Harassment Lawsuit.”
“Why is Bill Clinton able to have sex with an intern in the Oval Office when he’s President and lie to the American people about it on national television?” (Piers Morgan)
“Where the f*ck did we come up with a hundred and whatever billion dollars to send to Ukraine and we don't have any money to try to do something about these insanely impoverished, crime-ridden, gang-ridden, drug-ridden communities?” (Joe Rogan)
“The more powerless people are, the more super-powered their fantasies will be. The rise of the superhero movie compensates for and correlates directly with mass disempowerment—psychological, cultural, political.” (Thomas Millary & Bret Carolla)
“Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids.” (Daily Mail UK)
“When your world view shifts, everything shifts.” (Feel Good Astrology)
“There is never anything you can’t do or be once you decide, and refuse to waver in that choice and mindset. You will notice that once it’s time to graduate from an old pattern or cycle, you will have already made the decision to close it out. However, making the decision and being unwavering in your stance - against everything and everyone that would seek to pull you in alternate directions away from your conviction - are two different categories of mastery.” (Solarah)
“The present energies and activations are supporting us in re-entering the world…and this time on our own terms. We have been living in various stages of hermithood, as we did the requisite clearing and healing work required to reacquaint ourselves with who we actually are - beneath all the masks, personas, and narratives we were forced to take on in the false matrix system to simply survive. This time of rediscovering ourselves has required that we get alone and distance ourselves from all those beings and situations that supported the stories and narratives which once made up who we were in the false matrix. As we separated ourselves from those influences and voices, we were able to once again find our truth - buried benath the rubble of lies, trauma, projections, and other being’s misplaced desires. We have recuperated not only our selves, but also the higher level of intelligence we need to negotiate our power and truth, in a world that is falling apart at the seams, and that we still can get lost in if we’re not vigilant…Do you feel the old world dying? Do you see it first crumbling apart within you? Do you sense your true identity and power rising, as all that once seemed so stable, perishes before you? Nothing built upon falseness, artifice, and off of the pain caused by the soul harvesting agendas and agents of the false matrix, will be able to stand firmly anymore. The illusions and deceptions that supported their structures are weak foes in the presence of your embodied truth. Life will never be the same, and the energies of the past few days are insuring that “no stone will go unturned.” (Solarah)
“There is so much we are going to discover about the heart, about water, about light, and how all of these things connect.” (Pam Gregory)
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (Timothy 1:7)