My mother’s short & sweet text about Robert De Niro a few days ago. De Niro’s last great movie role was Midnight Run, 1988, a movie my mother and I both love to this day. She has only seen Midnight Run twice in 36 years (once in the theater, when it came out) and yet she knows a lot of the movie dialogue by heart somehow. It always makes me laugh. I was texting with her the other night about De Niro’s utterly pathetic, deranged, and thuggish press conference/PR stunt for the Biden campaign outside the NYC court house on May 28, 2024. It confirms so much about who actors really are. It also tells us that De Niro and his ghouls are afraid. He calls Trump supporters, which is half the country now, “low lifes.” Coming from a major low-life thug, that’s rich. Only a selfish idiot would have a baby at 81, after being a piece shit absent father all of his life (I knew one of his sons in middle-school. He was a mess). On top of that De Niro is wearing a fucking mask outside in the middle of 2024. How can anyone continue to watch his movies—or any new movies—for that matter anymore? Hollywood is done.
Speaking of actors, this guy loves the actors as well.
And here is more of who De Niro really is, who he runs with, and who protects him.
He shares an actor bodyguard with Sam Bankman Fried.
More on the bodyguard, whose name is Jimmy Harkins. He has an Imdb page as well. How odd.
So the bodyguard/handler, who also has ties to Epstein, is tied to De Niro, who is tied to sex ring charges in France in 1998.
Irish Times, 1998
These disclosures are like limited hangouts.
Looks like De Niro and his cronies/entourage (or what News Treason Media calls “the Robert De Niro pysop” Watch from @31:11 min-39:08) is being set up for a pretty big fall. As one person noted in the Rumble comments: “Kind of strange that FJB would send corrupt Capitol Hill police (of all people) to escort De Niro.” As News Treason Media always says—and I agree: “If you really want to know what’s going on and what people really think, read the comments.”
I always read the comments.
In our crumbling world, everyone is an actor and so-called professional actors are deep state operatives.
Side note: I love when columnist Dave Marcus lights up a cigarette during his interview with Megyn Kelly (linked above). I was just thinking last week about how no one besides Dave Chappelle smokes on camera/stage anymore (or in the movies), and how much I miss seeing smokers talk with a cigarette in their hand. And here is Marcus smoking, old school. It is such a lost art, affect, gesture. Smoking is a kind of thinking, window to the soul. It communicates so much about the person. Vaping does not. Vaping makes us USB ports. Also, I’m sucker for men who smoke cigarettes. Every boyfriend I ever had smoked.